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Marzocchis on an R80

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:54 pm
by Sibbo
About that shocker ID , I got an email back from a mob called Shocktreatment who I had asked for an ID .Here's his response .

I would not be so sure that the shock isn't standard. It would appear to be
either a Boge or a Marzocchi, both of which have been supplied as standard
on BMWs.
Terry Hay

Has anyone heard of Marzoochi shocks as standard kit ?

Re: Marzocchis on an R80

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:38 pm
by Kurt in S.A.
According to Ian Falloon, Marzoochi were quite common for front forks. It seems that Boge's were common rear shocks, though. Other types of rear shocks were White Power (optional) and Showas's on the R100R, R80R, and Mystic.

Kurt in S.A.