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Ajusting the bearing tightness on the front end of my R100GS
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:13 pm
by DonW
Howdy all, long time, no post. The front end on my GS is a bit loose. Kinda flops form side to side, and I notice some wobble in the forks. I rebuilt the front end about 1000 miles ago, but don't think I got the bearing loading correct on the triple clamp. This afternoon, trying to adjust it, I didn't seem to be able to find the spot between "so tight it's locked" and too loose. The odd top of the triple clamp on the '92 GS is confusing, with a "nut" that goes inside the triple clamp tube, and a lock washer that holds the top clamp down.
My Clymer's is useless for this bike- anyone be able to direct me to a good explanation of this particular fork?
Re: Ajusting the bearing tightness on the front end of my R1
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:56 am
by StephenB
Look at this picture: ... CF1437.JPG
For a post-1991 GS triple tree, you need that piece of copper pipe to set the preload with the bolt and lock nut, then remove the locknut carefully without disturbing the bolt depth and and lock it again, this time against the upper triple tree. Hope it makes sense and I remember it right.
The pipe was a standard dimension (I think 1.5"). It has to sit against the looknut on one side (as shown on the picture) and the triple tree on the other IIRC. Scan, I bet there are better explanations out there.
Re: Ajusting the bearing tightness on the front end of my R1
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:48 pm
by moosehead
Anton has a great right up on this. Specifically for an airhead GS:
Re: Ajusting the bearing tightness on the front end of my R1
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:36 pm
by DonW
Thanks guys. Perfect information. The description at Anton's site was great, and I accomplished this adjustment this morning. Triple tree is now smooth and much tighter.
Re: Ajusting the bearing tightness on the front end of my R1
Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:10 am
by chasbmw
I did read that when you are replacing head bearings, if you don't get the bearing outer properly set in the frame then the bearings will settle in use and will often need adjustment over the first 1000 miles or so.