Heli-coil sparkplug thread. Steel vs Aluminum
Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 6:47 pm
After cleaning up my heads for dual plugging I just noticed that one of the heads I've been using for the last 21 years has a Heli-coiled spark plug hole. A magnet doesn't stick to it, so it must be Stainless. I've read about how steel inserts change the heat range of your spark plugs (and can even act as a glow plug) and that aluminum threads are prefered for aluminum heads. I haven't really noticed a problem, but I'm increasing compression and will be using a 336 cam so things might change.
It looks like there's only two options for aluminum inserts. Timesert http://www.timesert.com/html/bigsert_sparkplug.html
and Locknstitch http://www.locknstitch.com/sparkpluginserts.htm. The Locknstitch seems like a superior product because it's designed to prevent cracking, but one kit costs more than a completely rebuilt head.
The Timesert version is cheaper, but cracking could be an issue.
Anybody have experience with either one? Should I even worry about re-doing the threads?
It looks like there's only two options for aluminum inserts. Timesert http://www.timesert.com/html/bigsert_sparkplug.html
and Locknstitch http://www.locknstitch.com/sparkpluginserts.htm. The Locknstitch seems like a superior product because it's designed to prevent cracking, but one kit costs more than a completely rebuilt head.
The Timesert version is cheaper, but cracking could be an issue.
Anybody have experience with either one? Should I even worry about re-doing the threads?