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EME new ignition system and coils

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:15 pm
by mattcfish
I've just about got my screamer all back together. I could of had her running yesterday but I forgot to change to a bottom alternator ring for a 107mm cover. I've got one on order from EME.
They now have a crank mounted ignition that fits the Enduralast (Ducati PM style) alternator. ... sh-105.htm
I've been a big fan of the PM alternator since I got one a few years back. I created a bracket so I could mount my Omega ignition to it. This works well but I had to put an extension on my front cover to make it all fit. Now they've got a purpose built kit.
They also have nicely priced coils now. ... oil30d.htm

Re: EME new ignition system and coils

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:55 pm
by Wayne J in MA
Since you brought up Euromotoelectrics, I would like to add a little praise.

Last Saturday I decided to replace my negative battery cable. I looked a Max's and others price and decided to search further. I wound up ordering a kit from EME at 3:56 PM EDT, I received confirmation that it had shipped at 4:24 PM EDT. This was a kit that had negative and positive cables, wire ties to replace those being cut and a small tube of dielectric grease. It also cost less than the negative cable would have from MAX. ... sh-216.htm

The parts arrived on Monday at 2 PM by USPS. The shipping charge was only $6.20. I don't think I have received this kind of service from any vendor. The part quality was also superb.

Re: EME new ignition system and coils

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:58 pm
by Garnet
mattcfish wrote: They also have nicely priced coils now. ... oil30d.htm
I spoke to John from EME just the other day about those coils. I was wanting to know if they were anymore powerfull than Bosch coils. He felt that they had no greater output as their primary is the same as stock, but he likes them for their small size, which is needed for dual plugging. If he is selling them the quality must be good.

Side note: Motobins and MI sell similar coils from PVL.

Re: EME new ignition system and coils

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:59 pm
by Chuey
Please excuse me if this question seems too basic. As I read the product description for the electronic ignition, it sounds to me like it only works if you have changed to their $500.00 charging system. Is that right?

Then, this is a competitor to the Omega electronic ignition, right?


Re: EME new ignition system and coils

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:49 am
by Garnet
Yes Chuey, the Enduralast ignition only mounts on an Enduralast alternator. So it is not exactly a competitor to the Omega as it mounts only to the Bosch alternator. (Unless you are Mattcfish, he'll mount an Omega on anything. ;) )

Re: EME new ignition system and coils

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:14 pm
by mattcfish
Garnet wrote:Yes Chuey, the Enduralast ignition only mounts on an Enduralast alternator. So it is not exactly a competitor to the Omega as it mounts only to the Bosch alternator. (Unless you are Mattcfish, he'll mount an Omega on anything. ;) )
I bet I could adapt this system to fit on a stock alternator too ;) :D.
The Enduralast alternator really is an incredible product. It charges while you idle....and no brushes.