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830 euros and 3 points.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:23 pm
by Indian
Last Sunday i got done with a lazer. The speed limit was 60 and I was clocked at 87 km/hour. After the safety margin of 3 km/hours I got to keep my licence. I would have lost it at 85.
The fine was worst.

Re: 830 euros and 3 points.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:12 pm
by Deleted User 287
Indian wrote: The fine was worst.
No, the hike in your insurance premiums in the worst.

edit: Sorry Indian, I read right over the # of Euros in the title.
That is a shit-load of money!

Re: 830 euros and 3 points.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:20 pm
by Deleted User 62
830 Euros.. yikes! Last Monday I got my first motorcycle speeding ticket: 66mph in a 50, ticket was $137.

Re: 830 euros and 3 points.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:35 pm
by Chuey
Isn't 80kph about fitty miles an hour? Were you in a populated area? That fine is a tough one.

I have to admit that when I started reading your post and you said you were "done" by a laser, I thought you had had cosmetic surgery. I'm not saying you need it, as I have no idea of what you look like, but of the ones here who I've seen pictures of, well, lets just say that we gather here not to celebrate that we are God's gift to........well, we're a little past our........never mind.

By the way, any officer with a sense of proportion wouldn't expect a man on a R90S to putter along.


Re: 830 euros and 3 points.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:04 am
by Jean
Having just been in the UK on a vacation and observing the numerous SPEED-CAMERAS spotted all around, I'd say where they say 60, they are seriously SERIOUS. Many curves had special signs warning motorcyclists to slow down...On the continent, in built-up areas, they are serious too. On the highways, it is a bit free, but when you go into a town...look out.

Re: 830 euros and 3 points.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:10 am
by mattcfish
Chuey wrote:Isn't 80kph about fitty miles an hour? Were you in a populated area? That fine is a tough one.

I have to admit that when I started reading your post and you said you were "done" by a laser, I thought you had had cosmetic surgery. I'm not saying you need it, as I have no idea of what you look like, but of the ones here who I've seen pictures of, well, lets just say that we gather here not to celebrate that we are God's gift to........well, we're a little past our........never mind.

By the way, any officer with a sense of proportion wouldn't expect a man on a R90S to putter along.


Are they using Lasers now? Call me old fashioned, I thought it was still radar. I guess the radar detector is now useless...?

Knocking on wood here, it's funny how I hardly ever get tickets on my motorcycle (2 in twenty one years)...even though I hardly ever drive the speed limit when I ride it. My Volkswagon vans seem to be on the police most wanted list. I get pulled over at least once or twice a year in them for minor speeding violations. The last one was only 5 miles over (near a High School...Oops) $210.00! Luckily....I've talked my way out of almost every ticket 8-) ....but if my wife happens to be in the car with me, I'm nailed! :|

A little research and I'm up with the times. Anybody try to jam it, or use this product on their head lights ... ice-lidar/.

Re: 830 euros and 3 points.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 2:25 am
by Major Softie
mattcfish wrote:Are they using Lasers now? Call me old fashioned, I thought it was still radar. I guess the radar detector is now useless...?
Wow, are you living in the past. Laser has been the big threat for about 20 years. Radar is easier for the officer, but it's much easier to detect. Radar is extremely easy to beat with a detector. Laser is very narrow and only pointed at the vehicle being measured, so it's entirely possible for them to measure a vehicle just ahead of you and have your detector not go off, even if it senses laser. If they measure you, your detector will go off, but by the time the detector goes off, you're already nailed. Because of the more limited range of radar, compared to how far it can be detected, if your detector goes off, a motorcycle has a good chance of slowing down before being measured by radar - much better chance than a car. Usually, if your laser detector goes off, you're done.

That's why someone (ZM, I think), listed a new hot deal on a detector that "claims" it legally defeats laser, rather than just detecting it. Detecting it is usually pointless.

Re: 830 euros and 3 points.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:39 am
by ME 109
Bummer Indian, that's a lot of money!

Re: 830 euros and 3 points.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:43 am
by DanielMc
Latest technique for removing cash from the pockets of motorists speed reduction over here in the UK uses automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras set a certain distance apart to ascertain average speed over a significant distance. The law now holds the registered keeper of the vehicle responsible for all such violations so he or she gets a ticket through the post.

Re: 830 euros and 3 points.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:51 am
by dougie
You have my all our sympathies Indian.
830 Euros - F***! :shock: