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scented exhaust?!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:33 pm
by twist
I was happily searching the internet for various items motorcycle related, turn signals, gauges, cup holders, highway bars cool valve stem covers and the like when I came upon something entirely preposterous. Goop for the fuel that turns the exhaust into something resembling the bad air fresheners for autos. the ad goes...."You look good but do you smell good? You will be asked to lead the pack with scented exhaust". scents are: cherry bomb, groovy grape, super sonic cinnamon, ripin root beer, full blown bubble gum, rocket cotton candy, victory vanilla, and last but not least...wait for it....peel out pina colada. ... rypage=152

it takes a few seconds to load.

Re: scented exhaust?!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:55 pm
by Major Softie
Time for the P. T. Barnum quote.

Re: scented exhaust?!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:56 pm
by Jean
But what does it do to your exhaust SYSTEM??
"I use DIAL, don't you wish everyone did?"

Re: scented exhaust?!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:59 pm
by Deleted User 62
What, no Bavarian bratwurst ?!?!

Re: scented exhaust?!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:10 pm
by vanzen
Nothing could possibly smell any better than the smell of an
unadulterated and proper air / fuel ratio burn coming out of a tuned pipe.
OK ... maybe the smell of raw high octane racing fuel beats that ... or,
here's the clincher,
the ultimate olfactory sensation known to the fossil-fuel generation – castor bean oil !

... and although the saying, 'there's a sucker born every minute' is often associated with P.T. Barnum
record has it that the origin of the quote was actually a banker by the name of David Hannum.

Re: scented exhaust?!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:21 pm
by twist
I am quite embarrassed to admit to browsing a site selling this stuff, they DO have 1 or 2 useful items, I was looking for valve stems and there was so much other crap that I became enthralled and entertained. Sad thing is, I know a guy who would love all this stuff and try to get it all onto his metric cruiser. The hot items seem to be the skull face covers and skeleton bone hand gloves. Suspension and brakes seem to be minor and uncool.

Re: scented exhaust?!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:21 pm
by vanzen
Metal valve stems, fits 0.24" / 6.09 mm hole: ... -stem-pair

Re: scented exhaust?!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:04 pm
by Major Softie wrote:
... and although the saying, 'there's a sucker born every minute' is often associated with P.T. Barnum
record has it that the origin of the quote was actually a banker by the name of David Hannum.
Damn. I should have gone with H. L. Mencken.

Re: scented exhaust?!

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:40 am
by ME 109 wrote:Nothing could possibly smell any better than the smell of an
unadulterated and proper air / fuel ratio burn coming out of a tuned pipe.
Stuffabigfathead up there. :mrgreen:

Re: scented exhaust?!

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:01 am
by Sunbeem
Surely ANYTHING that guarantees "you'll be asked to lead the pack" is beyond price ...?

Sunbeem. Bringing up the rear, in Bentham.