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Starter Diognosis

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:30 am
by Nourish
I'm trying to turn over my fresh (tight) motor, I have three starter motors, The first Valeo's solenoid just clicks, the second Valeo spins the motor over but not with the plugs in - its clutch disengages(if it has one?) and the third one a Bosch turns it over with the plugs in slowly albeit with a low battery. I would like to use a Valeo as its lighter and the loom I've made up fits these nicely! Are they shot or repairable? Cheers

Re: Starter Diognosis

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:41 am
by Garnet
Valeo service parts:

Charge the battery up first.

Re: Starter Diognosis

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:47 am
by Nourish
Charge the battery up first. - Thanks for that!. I know spares are available and perhaps I could end up building a completely new one out of new spares if I were not careful. What I don't know is what is causing the motor to lack power?

Re: Starter Diognosis

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:14 pm
by Garnet
What condition are your battery cables? If they are originals they probably need replacing as they are famously bad.

What condition is your battery? Have it load tested down at your local auto parts store. Even if it's only a couple of months old, I would be MUCH more suspicious of the battery than of the starter, especialy 3 starters.

Re: Starter Diognosis

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:46 pm
by Ken in Oklahoma
Garnet wrote:I would be MUCH more suspicious of the battery than of the starter, especialy 3 starters.
Me too. I would suggest using jump cables to your car battery and try that. That will tell you if your battery is marginal.

You won't hurt your electrical system. A high Cold Cranking Amps car battery has the same voltage as your motorcycle battery, so it won't force current into your electrical system.

Re: Starter Diognosis

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:06 pm
by Major Softie
If all three starters have a problem after you make sure they are receiving proper amperage, then I would start worrying about your "fresh (tight) motor."

Re: Starter Diognosis

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:19 pm
by Nourish
Well the battery is a new Odyssey PC680 that is now on charge again and the cables new. I'm not too worried about the tight motor as far as the starter is concerned as the Bosch turned it over when the battery was getting low. Whilst waiting I whipped the better Valeo apart and nothing looked untoward. Is the Bosch a stronger motor?

Re: Starter Diognosis

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:25 pm
by Chuey
I think the Valeo is supposed to have as much starting power at a lower draw on the battery. The consensus is that the Bosch is a more hardy mechanism. I have two Valeos that work great and one didn't work well from new. I replaced that one with the Nippondenso (?) Japanese starter that costs more but is light and works in every way better than either of the others. I think it's the good stuff for sure.

Nourish, how about some pictures of the bike. I really like the style you put into them. And of course, you are keeping me in mind for when you get tired of those old mag wheels, right?


Re: Starter Diognosis

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:48 pm
by Nourish
Oh - seeing as you asked - it's still the same bike some 8 years since I last rode her - she's nearly ready -



Re: Starter Diognosis

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:38 pm
by Deleted User 72

That was very discerning of you to post those luscious pictures right after Chuey finished publicly lusting after those wheels. Good one!