Question about a /5 rocker upgrade
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:02 am
I have a 600cc (/5) engine that I am building from the ground up. Currently, I am looking at the rocker and how to best upgrade them. The heads have the rocker post with 15.5mm outer and 10.5mm inner diamater.
1st Question: the inner post seems to be a sleeve tube, about 26mm long which is pressed in into the head, is that correct? If so has anybody attempted to remove them?
I have original /5 rocker arms & posts and they have pitting. I have /6 rockerarms and post from a 1974 R90S but there is pitting as well. Both sets can't be used.
I do have a set of 1976-up rocker arms (56mm wide) and posts (16mm) which is in good and usable condition.
2nd Question: if I could remove the 15.5mm sleeve tube (see Question 1), it should be no problem to fabricate a sleeve for the bore (about 21m OD) and press-fit the sleeve on the button-type rocker post and then the whole assembly into the head? Or am I missing something here?
Thanks very much in advance for your insight and recommendations. I know there are upgrade sets and all, that but I like the challenge.
I have a 600cc (/5) engine that I am building from the ground up. Currently, I am looking at the rocker and how to best upgrade them. The heads have the rocker post with 15.5mm outer and 10.5mm inner diamater.
1st Question: the inner post seems to be a sleeve tube, about 26mm long which is pressed in into the head, is that correct? If so has anybody attempted to remove them?
I have original /5 rocker arms & posts and they have pitting. I have /6 rockerarms and post from a 1974 R90S but there is pitting as well. Both sets can't be used.
I do have a set of 1976-up rocker arms (56mm wide) and posts (16mm) which is in good and usable condition.
2nd Question: if I could remove the 15.5mm sleeve tube (see Question 1), it should be no problem to fabricate a sleeve for the bore (about 21m OD) and press-fit the sleeve on the button-type rocker post and then the whole assembly into the head? Or am I missing something here?
Thanks very much in advance for your insight and recommendations. I know there are upgrade sets and all, that but I like the challenge.