The below brackets do not show up on the above nor when I look at photos on the net of this subframe. So would they have been added by the persons who owned the bike before me? If so what would they be for? To me it looks like grab rail bolts through the tail unit to this bracket.
I'm thinking Rob meant to show the helmet holder bracket.
I'm also thinking your brackets were fabbed by a P.O. as they are made from angle iron plus some flat bar, from what can be seen in your posted photos.
Ross wrote:I think the PO may have had this made to take either some form of saddle bags or a trailer hitch attachment point.
I would agree with that idea. Thing is, I would have expected to see a hole or a threaded stud for either purpose. I wonder if it could be for a seat rest? If so, then the legs of the seat rest could go through the space made by the brackets and either have a lip or a keeper of some sort to keep it from coming off if there is any weight on it.