The R90 takes a (temporary) farewell ride

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The R90 takes a (temporary) farewell ride

Post by tenni128 »

So, I have made a deal with a good buddy of mine and as such, my newly improved R90 is on it's way to northern Nevada. In short: He has a R69S that's been sitting in the corner of the garage since 1980-ish. I have been after him for the last decade to either sell it to me, or at least get it going again so it stops it's regression back to the elements. We finally convinced a friend (in Reno) who said he'd do it, and all was well. Then he up and died (RIP Ed, you'll be missed). So other than the tin getting painted (I've already wrapped and stored it away for now) here's how it sits.
R90S.jpg (115.6 KiB) Viewed 1298 times
Here's a pic of us on a shakedown/temporary farewell cruise today up near Julian. I was on my Guzzi LeMans. The BMW handled wonderfully; my buddy Bob was suitably impressed.
bob on the r90.jpg
bob on the r90.jpg (96.96 KiB) Viewed 1298 times
The deal is, I'll start working on this thing when I get home from deployment. Basically, they're both mine now. I'm just letting him use the R90 so it doesn't sit for 8 months. Plus I don't have room in the garage for both...
Standby for multiple cries for help from the forum when I start putting this thing together.
One more from the ride:
atcbc.jpg (127.97 KiB) Viewed 1298 times
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Re: The R90 takes a (temporary) farewell ride

Post by Airbear »

Bob is a lucky fella. The 90 is beautiful. Good luck with the project.
and Brunhilde - 1974 R90/6

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Re: The R90 takes a (temporary) farewell ride

Post by Armaguidon13 »

Nice R90 !
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Re: The R90 takes a (temporary) farewell ride

Post by tenni128 »

I am really happy with the way it turned out. Well worth the effort I put into it, and it rides great now. I'm thrilled to have finally acquired the r69, and now I have a bike to ride on my frequent trips to Reno in addition to freeing up some room in the garage. I do miss having it at the ready, though. I guess that will help motivate me to get the R69US back together.
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