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grafting final drive
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:38 pm
by twist
I am thinking of using a final drive from a post 85 bike. This poses a issue that I'm not sure I'm up to completing. My rear wheel is a snowflake drum wheel and the final drive fits a drum brake, y spoke cast wheel so that means 4 bolts where the snowflake has no bolts. What is the level of difficulty in performing a conversion? (The drive is being offered to me but not sure it'll work). I expect no but I wanted to ask you lot before I turn down a generous offer.
Re: grafting final drive
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:52 pm
by vanzen
Not even worth the consideration IMNSHO –
Either buy an FD that is appropriate to the frame, swing arm, and wheel that you intend to use
or buy the Y-spoke wheel, single sided SA, and frame (or modify your 2-shock frame)
that will allow this FD you want to buy – to fit and work.
Needing a challenge ? Simply rebuild either FD to spec.
Re: grafting final drive
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:54 pm
by twist
now that's a great idea!
Re: grafting final drive
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:02 pm
by vanzen
twist wrote:now that's a great idea!
If this FD is a "generous offer", and hopefully without stepping on any friendly toes –
you might parlay the offer into cash – and buy something that
will work.
I am one who will always look into the prospect of re-inventing the wheel ...
but sometimes the game just will not not play to any advantage, eh ?