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New(ish) Member Intro

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:12 am
by AngryOlaf
Hi All,
Another new member here. I joined the forums a little while ago and am finally getting around to a first post to say hello. :D

I'm very new to the world of BMW bikes having picked up a '79 R100 "project" bike this past fall. It's already a nice pile of parts in the garage, but the frame is back from powder coating and bits and pieces are slowly making their way back on. (A good sign in my opinion!)

This is my first time tearing down and rebuilding a bike and I am sure I will have questions eventually... so far a few manuals and a good deal of online research have carried me along.

The r100 project is bike #2 in the garage along side a 2000 Honda Superhawk. (I'm already working the concept of a bike #3 into the subconscious of the Mrs.)

I'm also a member of the VBMWMO and have been posting photos of my progress (or lack thereof) in that site's galleries...

A little more about me... I live in the Los Angeles area, have been a father for roughly 14 months, and have been riding motorcycles off and on a good 25 years (counting dirt bikes).

- Mike

Re: New(ish) Member Intro

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:51 am
by Ken in Oklahoma
Welcome to the forum Mike. Apparently you've been lurking a bit and have gotten a feel of the place. Now that you've posted, though, I should warn you that there will be a demand for pics.


Re: New(ish) Member Intro

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:01 pm
by Duane Ausherman
Mike, you still have time to run and get out of this insanity that we call Boxerworks. You may start to enjoy it and then it is like a drug, you can't let go easily.

I just had to give you the real skinny up front. But, you won't listen, so Welcome to the "home".

We won't let you down, if we don't know an answer, we will just make one up. Expect any thread to be degraded quickly, such as this post.

Re: New(ish) Member Intro

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 3:53 pm
by AngryOlaf
Thanks guys. I am enjoying the forums so far!
Will get a photo or two added to this thread as soon as I can.

Re: New(ish) Member Intro

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:01 pm
by Steve in Golden
Yes, welcome to the asylum, Mike!

But, what are you angry about?

Re: New(ish) Member Intro

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:14 pm
by dougie
Steve in Golden wrote:But, what are you angry about?
Probably about being named Olaf. :lol:
Welcome aboard Mike.

Re: New(ish) Member Intro

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:06 pm
by AngryOlaf
Steve in Golden wrote:Yes, welcome to the asylum, Mike!

But, what are you angry about?
Just spent another afternoon washing parts and realized I'm angry the previous owner didnt know that bikes should be cleaned at least once in a while. :|

Re: New(ish) Member Intro

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:43 pm
by Major Softie
AngryOlaf wrote:
Steve in Golden wrote:Yes, welcome to the asylum, Mike!

But, what are you angry about?
Just spent another afternoon washing parts and realized I'm angry the previous owner didnt know that bikes should be cleaned at least once in a while. :|
If that is the full extent of your dissatisfaction with your bike's PO, you are quite lucky and should become HappyOlaf.

Re: New(ish) Member Intro

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:42 am
by mattcfish
AngryOlaf wrote:
Steve in Golden wrote:Yes, welcome to the asylum, Mike!

But, what are you angry about?
Just spent another afternoon washing parts and realized I'm angry the previous owner didnt know that bikes should be cleaned at least once in a while. :|
Run, run away.....these people are crazy! I must be crazy for continuing to read their posts. Worried about dirty parts...look at Melvil's (not sure of spelling ...can't find my copy of Moby Dick) ongoing thread.