Hello again folks, a long story and one question.
Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:02 am
Long time no see. I survived. I can't seem to locate my old user name, so I've just created a new account. Hopefully at least one of you will still remember me so that I don't seem entirely foolish--
I'm Henry, I have a BMW r75/5 from 1971. I posted on the boxerworks forum a lot when I first purchased the bike, 5 years ago. I am 20 now, was 15 then. I pretty much wrote a several-paragraph post about every ride I went on, all of which seemed to quickly turn into adventures. I also relied heavily on you all for assistance with my attempts at doing all my own mechanical work. When I got the bike it wouldn't run, with all of you guys helping (and by constantly going back to http://w6rec.com/duane/bmw/index.htm ) I discovered the many problems, went through and replaced the spark plugs, the points, adjusted the timing, finally got it started, then discovered it wouldn't rev up above above an idle, and determined this was due to a torn diaphragm in the left carburetor. I rebuilt the carburetors, and rode it around for a while.
I proceeded to go off the road and bend the forks just oh-so-slightly. I was directed by members of this forum to a procedure for straightening fork tubes, executed the procedure, and was back on the road.
I developed a leak in my driveshaft boot once, unfortunately while on my way down a mountainpass in Vermont, and nearly crashed but got it under control, pulled off to the side of the road, and patched the leak with ... silicone ... *shudder* and used my t-shirt to clean the oil off the rear tire. Made it home alive.
All these stories and more were related in much greater detail on this forum.
Finally, in a fantastically stupid but loud and flashy manner, I made my exit from this forum with a post describing my final foolish and self-induced crash--in a nutshell, I tore the mirrors, turn signals, and fenders off my bike to make it look more like a cafe-racer, then tried to execute a left turn from the right-turn lane in a road with three lanes -- one for left turn only, one for straight only, and one for right turn only. I didn't see girl driving her fathers Mercedes at approximately 35mph in the straight-only lane, and I turned right in front of her. I was miraculously injured, but the bike was pretty beat up, and I thought the frame was badly bent, so I sold the wreckage to a friend for a ridiculously low sum, with the agreement that he would sell it back to me someday, and would never ever sell it to anybody else. It was my first vehicle, not only my first motorcycle, so I still had a great deal of sentimental attachment, but I couldn't afford to fix it up.
Turned out, the only portion of the frame that was bent was the tail section which can be entirely removed with nuts and bolts. He replaced the tail section of the frame, replaced the handlebars, the dented up tank, put the mirrors back on, put the fenders back on, put on some turnsignals (sadly not the beautiful aluminum OE that I had torn off and sold in my youthful blind stumbling stupid foolish damnable idiocy), replaced the valve cover on the left cylinder, and started riding it around. A while down the road, he put a new transmission in it, and a new seat.
So, I bought it back from him almost a month ago. It has 88,600 miles on it now. He gave me a good price, but it was still not too far from market value, I think. I drove it a while, NYC to Vermont and back to NYC and then buzzed all around the NYC area. The weather has been cold, and so I have had a bit of trouble starting it, being on the road and not having a warm place to park it. I began jumpstarting it. Then I began foolishly jumpstarting it from running vehicles. Then, when it started to be a real b****, and refuse to start for big, long, extended periods of time (way longer than I probably ought to be holding down the starter button), I started having people revv their engines up while I started it. I carried jumper cables around my waist, and would run outside to start the bike every 20 minutes to keep it hot while going to shows and parties in the city, since it only gave me trouble starting when cold. I should have gone to you guys sooner, but last night I finally blew the starter--it engages but it doesn't turn the engine, it just grinds, as though the gears have just been sheared off or something. However, my "one question" from the subject line is not regarding the starter, but rather, the market value of the bike.
What is the market value of this motorcycle?
1971 R75/5, SWB
88,600 miles
Not OE: gastank (originally silver or gray with the black rubber pads, now black, with the black rubber pads on the side), handlebars (low european style), turnsignals (crappy aftermarket)
Missing: choke cables (each choke has a little wire handle to adjust it), spring and screw for rubber seal on gas cap, seat rails, horn cover, center stand spring
Broken: tachometer, speedometer, instrument panel lights.
Gastank paint job is scratched a lot, and has a couple tiny chips out of the paint.
Transmission recently replaced, I don't know the details of that but I could find out if it's very relevant.
Exhaust also recently replaced but with used parts, in good condition.
Headlight retaining ring is scratched and dented, headlight casing is also slightly, and headlight ears have been spraypainted matte black and are also slightly bent.
Tell me--What would you ask for it, what would you take for it, what would you pay for it. All three please, even if they're three different numbers.
I'm Henry, I have a BMW r75/5 from 1971. I posted on the boxerworks forum a lot when I first purchased the bike, 5 years ago. I am 20 now, was 15 then. I pretty much wrote a several-paragraph post about every ride I went on, all of which seemed to quickly turn into adventures. I also relied heavily on you all for assistance with my attempts at doing all my own mechanical work. When I got the bike it wouldn't run, with all of you guys helping (and by constantly going back to http://w6rec.com/duane/bmw/index.htm ) I discovered the many problems, went through and replaced the spark plugs, the points, adjusted the timing, finally got it started, then discovered it wouldn't rev up above above an idle, and determined this was due to a torn diaphragm in the left carburetor. I rebuilt the carburetors, and rode it around for a while.
I proceeded to go off the road and bend the forks just oh-so-slightly. I was directed by members of this forum to a procedure for straightening fork tubes, executed the procedure, and was back on the road.
I developed a leak in my driveshaft boot once, unfortunately while on my way down a mountainpass in Vermont, and nearly crashed but got it under control, pulled off to the side of the road, and patched the leak with ... silicone ... *shudder* and used my t-shirt to clean the oil off the rear tire. Made it home alive.
All these stories and more were related in much greater detail on this forum.
Finally, in a fantastically stupid but loud and flashy manner, I made my exit from this forum with a post describing my final foolish and self-induced crash--in a nutshell, I tore the mirrors, turn signals, and fenders off my bike to make it look more like a cafe-racer, then tried to execute a left turn from the right-turn lane in a road with three lanes -- one for left turn only, one for straight only, and one for right turn only. I didn't see girl driving her fathers Mercedes at approximately 35mph in the straight-only lane, and I turned right in front of her. I was miraculously injured, but the bike was pretty beat up, and I thought the frame was badly bent, so I sold the wreckage to a friend for a ridiculously low sum, with the agreement that he would sell it back to me someday, and would never ever sell it to anybody else. It was my first vehicle, not only my first motorcycle, so I still had a great deal of sentimental attachment, but I couldn't afford to fix it up.
Turned out, the only portion of the frame that was bent was the tail section which can be entirely removed with nuts and bolts. He replaced the tail section of the frame, replaced the handlebars, the dented up tank, put the mirrors back on, put the fenders back on, put on some turnsignals (sadly not the beautiful aluminum OE that I had torn off and sold in my youthful blind stumbling stupid foolish damnable idiocy), replaced the valve cover on the left cylinder, and started riding it around. A while down the road, he put a new transmission in it, and a new seat.
So, I bought it back from him almost a month ago. It has 88,600 miles on it now. He gave me a good price, but it was still not too far from market value, I think. I drove it a while, NYC to Vermont and back to NYC and then buzzed all around the NYC area. The weather has been cold, and so I have had a bit of trouble starting it, being on the road and not having a warm place to park it. I began jumpstarting it. Then I began foolishly jumpstarting it from running vehicles. Then, when it started to be a real b****, and refuse to start for big, long, extended periods of time (way longer than I probably ought to be holding down the starter button), I started having people revv their engines up while I started it. I carried jumper cables around my waist, and would run outside to start the bike every 20 minutes to keep it hot while going to shows and parties in the city, since it only gave me trouble starting when cold. I should have gone to you guys sooner, but last night I finally blew the starter--it engages but it doesn't turn the engine, it just grinds, as though the gears have just been sheared off or something. However, my "one question" from the subject line is not regarding the starter, but rather, the market value of the bike.
What is the market value of this motorcycle?
1971 R75/5, SWB
88,600 miles
Not OE: gastank (originally silver or gray with the black rubber pads, now black, with the black rubber pads on the side), handlebars (low european style), turnsignals (crappy aftermarket)
Missing: choke cables (each choke has a little wire handle to adjust it), spring and screw for rubber seal on gas cap, seat rails, horn cover, center stand spring
Broken: tachometer, speedometer, instrument panel lights.
Gastank paint job is scratched a lot, and has a couple tiny chips out of the paint.
Transmission recently replaced, I don't know the details of that but I could find out if it's very relevant.
Exhaust also recently replaced but with used parts, in good condition.
Headlight retaining ring is scratched and dented, headlight casing is also slightly, and headlight ears have been spraypainted matte black and are also slightly bent.
Tell me--What would you ask for it, what would you take for it, what would you pay for it. All three please, even if they're three different numbers.