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The /5 should be home this week!

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:04 pm
by Unclviny
I talked to Bruce Davidson this morning, my R75/5 should be ready in the next day or 2. He said that the only problem was that 1 of the bad-sump-thread-holes had already been Helicoiled so he ordered a, it should have been delivered today!

My plan is to fly to Dallas friday and ride her home (280 miles), says high of 62 and a 30% chance of rain.


Re: The /5 should be home this week!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:46 pm
by Chuey
Why was it sent away? More than a few stripped threads?


Re: The /5 should be home this week!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:20 pm
by Unclviny
Breather failure + old, dry gaskets = MASSIVE oil leaks and it "blew out" the sump taking the threads from several bot-holes with it. I took it to Boxers by Bruce and he tells me after checking it over that no major damage was done, he changed ALL the gaskets and rear-main-seal and did a full inspection/service.

I was never impressed with the "performance" of the bike but having never ridden a /5 before I didn't have anything to compare it to, he assured me that I will not recognize it based on how it performs after he sets it up.


Re: The /5 should be home this week!

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:30 pm
by Chuey
You know, when a machine is set up by someone who really know his/her stuff, it can be quite an improvement over just "working". When I set up a bicycle, the cables are just perfect. You would be surprised how often the cables, even ones recently done by a bicycle shop, are keeping the performance of the bike from being top notch. There's more, lots more, to the set-up of a bike but that one in particular is one where I see terrible work by owner/mechanics and even other shops.

After I work on my BMWs, I'd like to be able to take them to a shop that would tweak them so they are "just so". I know they know things I don't. I can, and do, do those little time consuming things that aren't feasible for a shop to do but then to have them do their magic would be a great combination.

Let us know if you feel the difference, please.
