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First time in two years and a busy week

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 7:28 pm
by Curt Henry
Been a busy week here in the Northland

Today I commuted to work on my 92 R100GS. The R100GS had not been more than a mile from home after dropping a valve in the spring of 2010. The engine has a fresh lower end, and used parts from the pistons/cylinders up. Even using left over snowblower gas the bike ran fine. The R100GS felt very light and small after riding the R1150RT and R1200GS Adventure the past two years.

Yesterday I purchased a fifth bike, 04 Suzuki DRZ-400 with only 6350 miles, lots of farkles included, having an electric foot will make off road riding more enjoyable. I am too old to be kick starting the Yamaha TT600N.

Tuesday I got fitted for hearing aids at the VA, after living with hearing loss for 35 years.

Like I said it was a busy week.

Re: First time in two years and a busy week

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:19 am
by dwerbil
Curt, you are the DAWG of the week!
Good going with getting the RS100GS back on the road. The DRZ (Gogg search) looks pretty cool for moose trailing up there in Minnesota.

I never knew you had hearing loss. How are the new hearing aids working for you?

Re: First time in two years and a busy week

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:29 am
by dwerbil
Just to add this ditty....
found this fun little clip someone did back-country on the DRZ....

Re: First time in two years and a busy week

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 12:44 pm
by enigmaT120
I don't think I want to ride any bike that makes an R100GS feel light and small.