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Keyless Ignition!
Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 3:20 pm
by Deleted User 287
I suppose these are available aftermarket, but I had never thought of it before!
Mentioned at 1:45 in this video.
Re: Keyless Ignition!
Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 10:44 pm
by dwire
What will someone think of next - KIT form Knight Rider talking to you on a 40 year old bike? Classic...
Re: Keyless Ignition!
Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:06 am
by Major Softie
dwire wrote:What will someone think of next - KIT form Knight Rider talking to you on a 40 year old bike? Classic...
Well, to be fair, KIT was 30 years ago himself.

Re: Keyless Ignition!
Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 3:36 am
by dwire
Dang it major, you do have me there... That had not occurred to me! Although, i did click the link when it was posted and laughed a bit about the key-less thing, it brings lots of strange questions to one's head... LIKE:
1) If it is parked in the garage beside your wife's (or own) brand new vehicle is there a reverse lockout to prevent what to a neighbor would look comical? A bike coming to life in the neighbor's garage, taking off on a ghost ride and plowing into the family SUV?
2) In the US, you'd likely have to be holding the clutch lever in for liability sake; seems like this would take all the "remote" out of remote starting!
3) How many people set off their car alarm key-fob and never know it and it just times out? Wonder which times out first, the keyless starter or your air-cooled engine?
So, no, I'll likely not be stripping my nail out for one of these, but I give the fell an A for ingenuity and maybe a C- for possible bad consequences of such a novelty... Fun to watch anyhow...

Re: Keyless Ignition!
Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 4:51 am
by Deleted User 287
I think as long as his kill switch was in the off position, nothing would happen.
It is not a remote starter. It is a keyless ignition switch.
Re: Keyless Ignition!
Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:06 am
by dwire
Yeah now that you mention it, I think I recall seeing him doing that, but here is my quandary then. Ah, if you need "turn on a kill switch" why in the Hell would you put on a pile of crap to have a remote starter when you're never going to be "remote" to start it? - You need approach the bike to turn that on; to say nothing of choke, etc.
And naturally, finally those things are not in the least any more of a theft deterrent than my nail type ignition. As a matter of fact, unless one of the forum members, or one of the giant BMW extended family were the ones trying to steal my bike, all they could do is haul it on a truck as the nail hole cover and its "stealth location" and bizarre look is unlikely to be part of the standard thieves'' "rip-off repertoire..." If you know what I mean. Just my take; no need to take it.