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How much?

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:26 pm
by dwire
What would an NOS 1971 combination Speedo/Tach unit with warn original box be worth in reality, or non-reality World like eBay?

I do not have it in front of me - not 100% sure where it is at the moment, but its the real thing, has what part of a mile I guess on it from BMW running/testing it (or a dealer for that matter...)

Without calling does anyone know if Palo-Alto that rebuilds and fixes these, do they sell entire units if one has no core or ships nothing for repair? If they do, has any bought one from them and be willing to share the prices so I have some realistic value of the thing? I can't immediately tell you the gear ratio; what I can tell you is it was correct for both my ex-wife's 1971 BMW R75/5 that like an idiot I restored first and my identical bike - only difference the production date of the bikes; both 1971's... hers was a bit earlier in the year IIRC.

Like one of the posters that ingeniously named their thread, "My left nut" well I am at a point I'd give mine up to have my motorcycle back; it is all I have and not only with gas prices as they are, but just in general, it pains me deeply to see it sit merely because I have not the funds to restore it, or even get it back to where I am 100% confident everything is safe and sound - mainly SAFE! I'd not been to eBay and looked for years; now all I see is junk from people's cupboards that ten years ago likely would have been thrown away or worth pennies; now people are paying big bucks for (rear foot pegs that are bent and have no rubber and marks from hitting the ground - you know, bid, bid...) when you could buy OEM replacements, or any of the other things brand new from BMW cheaper...

Anyhow, if any US folks here have some answers for me value-wise that would be helpful. I know what I paid and how long the phone calls and emails came when I bought it 10+ years ago (one guy offered to drive 400 miles each way to pick it up and pay me double...) I ended up holding onto it - thank God I did not put it on my ex's bike as I finished her restore just in time for her to decide she had other irons in the fire.

I am sick of just being a BMW owner and want once again to be a rider. Gas as well nearly mandates this. I also could pretty desperately use some enjoyment in my life which that R75/5 never disappointed in that regard; from wrench to ride, but with no pot to pee in I'm doing neither!

Let me know what anyone thinks. eBay has changed much in that amount of time; so have other marketplaces, but I would assume an NOS gauge like that has some value yet. Too bad I doubt enough to do all that is required on my bike to make her a rider again - to say nothing of it being "finished" with a paint job, no leaks - you know restored; I messed up and did that to the wrong bike once. lol

Douglas - KD8PNH

Re: How much?

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:00 pm
by Duane Ausherman
Doug, you certainly don't need a speedo to ride the bike. My daily rider (currently with cylinders off) has never had a speedo and works just fine that way. I like no speedo or tach.

Re: How much?

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:27 pm
by dwire
Yeah, I'd agree and the one INSTALLED on the bike works fine - or as fine as any of them. Needle bounces about with the road bumps... but I "think" they all did.

What I was eluding to and maybe your statement was too simple for me to understand, was I have an extra, new in the box I would not mind parting with if it would "get me anywhere" financially toward getting around on the bike again...

Now you're putting notions into my brain of removing the OEM one too and selling BOTH the brand new (from 70's) replacement as well as the original equipment currently on the bike! Guess I won't be doing that, if for no more reason than the PITA factor, but I think your point is, a spare speedo is nothing a person need clamor or obsess about parting with since they are so unnecessary. -- Do I have that much correct?

(I believe this is what you are eluding to...) :)

Re: How much?

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 7:43 pm
by Major Softie
Well, here's my educated WAG:

Since Palo Alto will make an old one like new for $400 - $500, I would think a NOS one would only be worth maybe $600 to the average person. Perhaps a concours restorer would consider it more valuable, but I think it would have to be in the $600 range for most buyers.

It's certainly a rare item now in NOS condition. Without the fine restoration work available from the top speedo shops, it would probably be worth a lot more.

Re: How much?

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 7:58 pm
by dwire
Yeah I was thinking along those lines too, but it sort of sucks in a way too. $400-$500 to restore one that has two broken needles and was dug out of a garden; and the entire brand new unit itself is only worth $100 bucks more in the BMW box? Surely it has appreciated, and oh boy I'll not ever be losing money that's for sure, but this same sort of disparity is the reason I held onto it, as essentially the figures won't match until Palo-Alto stops fixing them, or there are no parts devices to take to them, then the "real value" of the item could be assessed.

Don't get me wrong I am agreeing with you, I just think the deal a bit rotten on my end. I also don't think nor see why a concourse restorer would care and in fact that goes against the grain of what they are trying to do anyhow - they'd be more apt to repair the exact unit that was in place than to buy one that came off a moldy or even clean (back in the day) parts shelf at the BMW dealer - or so it goes with cars... Darn Palo-Alto for being so talented!

Afraid I'll have to look for throw-ins to sweeten the deal; my soul perhaps? It was likely a far too optimistic thought anyhow to think I'd be capable of getting the thing road worthy again this year, but such is life - I'll just avoid the area it resides in until the time is right as it sure has a way of calling my name saying, "You don't like me anymore? Please ride me, Please???" :) Thanks for the objective opinion/confirmation...

Re: How much?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 5:00 pm
by dwire
Funny thing, I'm not near my bike at the moment, but the two pieces of a broken Speedo-Tach unit sitting on eBay, the Tach unit appears to be labeled 'UL' - were all of these bikes labeled in German? - 'UL' for Umdrehung pro Minute or were US and other exported bikes adorned with RPM labeled there instead? Funny I never noticed one way or another. Curious to see how much more will be added to that auction that; @ around $225 now. People these days only bid in the last 20-30 seconds.