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Headlight ears ... (I need an old pair)
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:58 am
by StephenB
Some of you might have seen it in IBMWR: I am looking for a set of structurally sound headlights ears (cosmetically challenged not a problem, 115.2mm long), preferably without the yellow reflectors. Needed as a temporary solution to install a machined upper triple tree (so about 3/4in will be cut from the top). Rubber pieces are not required. Shipping USPS to Buffalo NY, Paypal preferred, trades offers under this URL:
Thanks, Stephen
Re: Headlight ears ... (I need an old pair)
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:44 am
by Deleted User 62
Check your email
Re: Headlight ears ... (I need an old pair)
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:01 am
by KauaiSlash5
You might want to consider taking 3/8" of the top and 3/8" off the bottom. This will keep the cuts from getting into the ears and will still allow the use of the rubber gromets.
Re: Headlight ears ... (I need an old pair)
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:35 am
by StephenB
That is indeed a very good advice. I did think of that but it bears the risk of screwing up the cut twice, I'm good for that. Clean circular cuts with a Dremel tool ... two of them ... that sounds like I will be asking for another pair in about 4 wheels! But honestly, I will try it. It also supports the fitment of the rubber grommets after the fact.
You must know exactly what I'm talking about!
Re: Headlight ears ... (I need an old pair)
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:36 pm
by KauaiSlash5
The Clip-ons on my bike have a solid aluminum 3/4" thick clamp and are mounted between the top plate and headlamp mounting ear -so yes, I do have first hand experience with this modification.
I started by masking and marking the ears with blue tape. Then I made my initial cuts using a hacksaw with a fresh bi-metal blade. Then I de-burred the cut ends with a file and sanded them flat using paper taped to a solid flat surface. Before reassembling, I sprayed a pool of paint onto cardboard and dipped the cut ends into it.
I can post a pic if you'd like.
Re: Headlight ears ... (I need an old pair)
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:42 pm
by StephenB
KauaiSlash5 wrote:I can post a pic if you'd like.
Not neccessary, it's not the first time I do this exact modification. Thanks for offering.