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Let's blame Duane today!

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:37 pm
by dwire
Hello ladies and gentleman in the Post 1970 Airhead forum! I do NOT regularly peruse eBay, but did after seeing both Duane's big "tool blow-out" sale (Gosh $400 smackers!) and as well to check see the status of NOS NIB speedos and how much people are paying for original "nail" ignition keys as I have a dozen or more of them somewhere.

Anyhow, while scrolling through the eBay festival, more and more I see completely torn apart transmissions with the same folks parting everything out; maybe even bead or media blasting said cases, but there is one critical piece missing - THE COVER!!! What gives Duane?

I know, I know, in Duane's defense, I guess you can break those clutch arms off the back - and yes I've heard there are other parts that go bad in the transmissions too, but you don't suppose, GOD FORBID anyone has purchased a transmission at a bargain price and never even evaluated it - simply pulled the cover off and ground it down for a shim setting tool???

I'm just kidding Duane - although sine I first got screwed years back and paid far too much anyway ($45.00 or so...) to an eBay fella that sent me a broken, warped so horribly distorted and cracked cover there'd be nothing to salvage due to a the worst TIG welding "repair" I've ever seen, so I could not bring myself to be "that guy" that kills a perfectly good transmission to make a tool out of its behind. I know you'd not either - others I am not so sure of. I myself spec'ed them and got a machined one.

Which does lead me to a good point. Please folks, save the trouble and SURELY perhaps a repairable transmission (unless the clutch arms are gone) Ed Korn is making them now I see and I have a CAD drawing (I hope still) that I am embarrassed to say I'd bet dates to 2002. At least I hope it is on one of these machines somewhere still...

Sorry Duane, I'm not blaming you for anything; it has all been a ruse, but the title likely attracts people better than the "My Right Nut" title did since you are so well known and respected. :)

I'd like to wish everyone a pleasant holiday weekend as well. Be safe out there!

Re: Let's blame Duane today!

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:54 pm
by Unclviny
I say that we blame ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING on Duane for a while, late bus = Duane, cold dinner = Duane.

Vince (who would have a better everything if it wasn't for Duane!)

Re: Let's blame Duane today!

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:18 pm
by Major Softie
My back hurts (dammit Duane).

And, my laundry isn't done (dammit Duane).

Re: Let's blame Duane today!

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 5:08 pm
by Duane Ausherman
OK, lets get the whole list posted so that I only have to apologize once.

Re: Let's blame Duane today!

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:09 pm
by Unclviny
I am having "laundry issues" and my chicken salad sandwich kinda sucked.


Re: Let's blame Duane today!

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:17 pm
by Motorhead
Duane is ok forgetfull mostly in my book and LOL my Laundry is trouble today too! :lol:

Re: Let's blame Duane today!

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 7:19 pm
by ME 109
Ebay prices around the world have crashed.

Re: Let's blame Duane today!

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 7:46 pm
by dwire
Duane and everyone, I should note, I do not know Ed at all from Adam and am not selling for him or anything (I do have one of his greasing tools though...) it was simply an observation today - and with good reason, I never get much of an opportunity to rib Duane. I think I was right though, 63+ views in only a few short hours - Duane you truly are famous around here - take a bow my friend... :D

Re: Let's blame Duane today!

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:01 pm
by ME 109
dwire wrote: I think I was right though, 63+ views in only a few short hours
That was my cat sleeping on the keyboard Doug. :?

Re: Let's blame Duane today!

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:05 pm
by dwire
Too funny.