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its shopping time for the R90

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:41 pm
by 2valve
hi to all, regarding buying major parts to suit a 1975 R90 ( read $$$$ :cry: ) where's the best place to purchase ? munich /moto bins / moto works ? have read some posts recently regarding a " german" contact " for spares ! . at the moment im not really sure as to what exactly i'll need ( well i do know two parts ,set of STD bore barrells which i do have the first size over size pistons to suit ) was trying to have the contact details when the time comes to purchase the parts. any advise will be much appreciated :D .

Re: its shopping time for the R90

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:46 pm
by Airbear
G'day Gary. Good to see you here again.

German eBay typically has an excellent range of bits and the prices are often very good. Trouble is, the listings are in German so you need to know the German names for things so you can find what you want. Google translate can be of help. Others will know more than me and hopefully will chime in. I've just bought a set of 'Kipphebels' (rockers) from German eBay, but a mate sent me the link to that page.

I just googled "R90 cylinder barrel" and came up with this set on US eBay - ... 5299wt_907

Sounds like they are the right vintage (spigot size). Not sure off-hand whether the bores are standard size. Postage is $116.80.

Re: its shopping time for the R90

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:04 pm
by 2valve
Hi mate, thanks for the fast reply and thanks for the info. i do read most of the post here but the PC 'sometimes' doesnt log me in automatically but im here anyway , mainly reading the posts but dont say that much as you know, im bit on the quiet side.

Re: its shopping time for the R90

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:21 pm
by Deleted User 62
I can't say who has the best deals on barrels, but it pays to shop around. The European currencies exchange rate is a major factor. Get your USA base price from the MaxBMW fiche and then, depending on what is current rate; Motobins is British Pounds, Motoren Israel is Euros (I think) and Mark Huggett uses the Swiss franc.

Re: its shopping time for the R90

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:31 am
by Motorhead
Tim Shepherd wrote:I can't say who has the best deals on barrels, but it pays to shop around. The European currencies exchange rate is a major factor. Get your USA base price from the MaxBMW fiche and then, depending on what is current rate; Motobins is British Pounds, Motoren Israel is Euros (I think) and Mark Huggett uses the Swiss franc.

how many bmw do you have?

Re: its shopping time for the R90

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:36 am
by Deleted User 62
Four, but the R50/2 may be sold.

Re: its shopping time for the R90

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:40 pm
by Jean
2valve, be a bit more specific as to what parts you need. Engine parts only or parts for "all-over"?
And do you just need NEW parts or will some from a breaker be OK?
Did you have a sudden breakdown or just feel its time to rebuild?
Post the engine and frame serial number if they are not the same. Sometimes the parts change in the middle of a model run and the serial number is the only way to be sure if the parts are correct.

Re: its shopping time for the R90

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:43 pm
by ontic
Hi 2valve,
like the others said, a parts list might help. What are you after?
Seeing as though you are in Australia, there are some second hand sources available. Melbourne has a good airhead parts guy who posts stuff (PM on it's way). I've got a fair few R90 bits and bobs. Like already mentioned second hand from German ebay is also great.
For new parts, I think you'll find that Germany is the place to buy for us at the moment. I've spent a lot of money with Motobins last year, who are great to deal with, and have an easy to understand catalogue, but we are just getting a lot more for our dollar with the Euro instead of the pound right now. (don't forget that most German quoted prices inclued 19%VAT which we don't have to pay). The German sellers are also great to deal with.
There are a lot of German airhead parts sellers.,, I'm about to use, and I know there are a lot of other ones I have stumbled across in the past.

I didn't quite understand what you meant by the two parts that you need. If you need to buy new barrels and/or pistons, it might be worth looking into the siebenrock aftermarket stuff- their power-up kits. Depending on what side of September 1975 your R90 was made, there are two full kits for the R90 (1000cc nikisil barrels 9.5:1 CR, lightweight graphite forged pistons, lightweight gudgeon pins, and circlips and new rings). You get an increase in power and torque, and a serious update in technology. The later R90 kit looks like it costs about Aus$763 (from Siebenrock) before postage, the earlier R90 kit, about $835.
Not cheap, but if you can even find brand new stock stuff, neither is that.
I've got a kit for my G/S that will go on it soon- very nicely made stuff and reports from long term reliability are very good.

Anyway, good luck.

Re: its shopping time for the R90

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:45 pm
by Airbear
Gary, I'm also intrigued as to what you might be needing, given that this is how your 90S looked three years ago -


Have you worn it out already? Or are you doing another one?

Re: its shopping time for the R90

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:22 am
by 2valve
hi to all , and first up thanks to all that have chimed in with advise. as some of you know that the poor old girl has been sitting for a very long time either in the house ( where air bears photo was taken when he stayed for the night on one of his trips ) and since ive moved it know resides in a huge lock up :( sitting on carpet and coverd over). the serial number / chassis number is 4083164 year 1975. the top end was recently opened up and found some light rust in the bores, the bm guroo honed the bore but he's not happy so im not happy, i like things done properly ! im one of the guys that polish his lawnmower :shock: , so atleast you know how sick in the head i am :oops: thanks ontic for the info and the PM ( very much appreciated for that, will reply with a PM also ) regarding the top end big bore kits, sound like a very good option and no more rusty bores. really would like to keep the bike std if possible but considering it rarely sees daylight the nikisil is the way to go. but it depends if i can find a clean set of std bores to suit ( already have the pistons etc which is 1st over size ) regarding about the other parts i may need i'll hopefuuly receive a call next week with the list and i'll pass them on just in case for some more advise.
Airbear, hi mate. the BM's not dead yet it just needs more love and affection but it will rise again :D , i think she just chucked a tantram for not being allowed in the house, the doors arnt just big enough but she doesnt understand :lol: