hi to all, tried to ring motobins and says number not connected , tried again , ok so who can supply me the number please trying to ring from australia from a mobile ! hey Airbear have you changed your mobile number ?
hi and thanks to all that helped getting the number Airbear /steve d / ontic and a special big thanks to ME109 when i rang that long number i got the local pizza place so it worked really well i was starving ! anyway finally found out the number and it is 0011441775680881. well guys the visa just got hammered, looks like baked beans for the rest of the year.
I don't get it.
If you are in Australia, and you buy parts from Motobins...how come the freight is so high?
Aren't you all part of the same "BIG UK operation?"
Fly THAT past your pols!!
Jean, if by "BIG UK operation" you mean the British Empire, those days are gone. We still live under the yoke of English tyranny to the extent that their idiotic, inbred royal family is our idiotic, inbred royal family, but that's about the extent of it. We have finally realised that we are closer to Asia.
That said, getting stuff by Royal Mail is somewhat cheaper and more forgiving (in terms of package size and shape) than the USPS. Takes less time, too, in my experience.
and Brunhilde - 1974 R90/6
Graduate, Wallace and Gromit School of Engineering and Design (Pending)