5speed shifter
5speed shifter
Does anyone know if this shifter (http://www.ebay.com/itm/BMW-Airhead-R60 ... 5388644%26) will work in a 1980 R100T 5speed gearbox? I'm installing this box in a '73 R75/5 and I want to use the stock /5 pegs with a similar to the 4speed type shifter. If so is swopping out the short linkage arm shifter it came with with the one mentioned straight forward?
Re: 5speed shifter
Yup, it will work. Just remove the center bolt and pull. 

Last edited by Deleted User 62 on Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: 5speed shifter
You're welcome, just a thought, if you don't want to drain the oil, tip the bike to the right before removal... I've done this before to replace a leaking shifter seal.