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recieved my Silent Hektik Tripple spark kit

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 2:00 pm
by jgleadle
Everything looks like it will work with the Enduralast alt system. had to re-clock the stator position to fit the Hall sensor location. ie. moved the output wire from 10 to noon. Every thing bolts up nicely and now i just need to get some terminals to finish up the wiring. the kit came with absolutely no extra bits like the Enduralast. ie. spade terminals, extra wire, shrink tube etc...

Switched the timing curve from 8 sport curve, to, 9 touring curve. I figure in the summer heat it will be more forgiving on the old girl.

looking forward to finishing everything.

so far this winter i have done, Enduralast Alt Kit, Enduralast Starter, SH TrippleSpark and Ikons. next up is Dunlop K70 tires and tubes and fork oil 7.5w BellRay, i got some /5 bar end signals i am thinking about putting on with my Tomaselli condor sport bars and a oil pan spacer i got with the bike when i bought it.

Re: recieved my Silent Hektik Tripple spark kit

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 12:02 am
by Garnet
We'll need to see some pics soon. :shock:

Re: recieved my Silent Hektik Tripple spark kit

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:47 am
by Airbear
JG, yes, share the excitement. Give pictures this festive season.

Re: recieved my Silent Hektik Tripple spark kit

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:10 pm
by jgleadle
ill click some pics today

Re: recieved my Silent Hektik Tripple spark kit

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:11 pm
by jgleadle
ill click some pics today