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Replacing a 750cc with a 600cc engine ...

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:23 am
by StephenB
When I first looked into replacing my 750cc /5 engine with a fully rebuilt 600cc engine (to match VIN # of chassis and engine), I did think of the throttle cables that are different for the CV vs the slide carbs. Now, I didn't think of the air intake tubes as the interfaces (ID/OD. length of carb body) differ. The ones for the Bing 1/26s on the R60/5 are thinner and longer.

How that 600cc rebuild is going in general you want to know: It's going slow with outside temps around -15F and garage temps around 40F! The 750cc engine is still in the R60/5 frame and the 600cc engine assembly progress is far from noticeable. Actually there isn't any in that department! But I can report some progress: I have found a local source for bead blasting and they used 0.030' to 0.033" glass beads on my parts with great success.: it seems to replicate the texture of the engine block quite nicely, from a first glance.

I am quite proud of this Spitfire windshield pattern adaptation to a original BMW windshield bracket:


What do you think of that?

Re: Replacing a 750cc with a 600cc engine ...

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:08 am
by Motorhead
Its your bike do what you want...

I see your want and the food chain is a sound reason for 600 cc so good deals exist your work seems good wish you success