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About Grease?

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 1:18 pm
by Dan in IL
As some of you may remember, I’m employed as the Chief Engineer on a Mississippi River towboat. At our yearly engineer meeting the company informed us that we would now be using grease supplied by Schaeffer Lubricants instead of what Chevron has been supplying us with. They had a sales engineer at the meeting to explain why we were changing and here’s some of the things he told us.....

-Oil companies manufacture their grease from the by products of the refining process. In other words, it’s how they dispose of their garbage. Schaeffer only makes lubricants and design their grease from scratch. They use only the very best products to fit the application, and the ingredients share nothing in common with what oil companies use.

-Their ingredients are designed to stick together at the molecular level. Normal grease will always have oil separating from it, Schaeffer’s doesn’t separate under pressure or even when dumped in water it won’t make a sheen. (That’s a plus if you have to answer to the Coast Guard).

-I forget the numbers? ....but, The shear strength of their grease is like 10 times the shear strength of oil company grease.

-Many times in the past they’ve had multi-million dollar machines and gears in factories that were failing due to poor lubrication and couldn’t be taken out of service for repair. After switching to Schaeffer’s the machines would actually smooth out the rough surfaces and they’d continue operating without repairs. (I can attest to’ll see below).

Now I’m always the biggest skeptic of what sales professionals tell me, but I was intrigued anyway. I found some of their grease on FleaBay and bought it to experiment with. The results I’ve obtained have been phenomenal! I don’t have a laboratory to test anything, but here’s a couple of things I did.....

I put a dab up inside the ball hitch on the trailer of our bass boat. We made 2 trips to tournaments, about 500 miles round trip each time. Every time we un-hitch, the ball is still covered in grease, just where you would want it to be, and we have to wipe it off to keep from getting it on our clothes.
I’ve always fought with the latch on the tail trunk of my motorcycle. No matter what I do, I always have to push the button twice to open it and slam it twice to close it. I put a very small dab of Schaeffer’s on the latch and WOW! Now it always pops open on the first try and closes with gravity.
I play a old worn pedal steel guitar for a hobby. It has 3 pedals and 3 knee levers that you’re constantly operating while you’re playing. I took it apart and lubed everything with Schaeffer’s and now the more I play, the smoother everything works.

This company has been around over 100 years, and they make just about any kind of lubricant you could imagine, including motorcycle oils. (Although I believe they only make synthetic oils). They sell mostly to industry and their products are just about impossible to find in stores. Thank goodness for the internet!!

I honestly believe if you greased your car’s suspension with this stuff, your ball joints would never ever wear out. As for me, I’ll never again use any grease that doesn’t say Schaeffer. I’m really not trying to sell this stuff, I’m just relating my experience. Buy some and prove it to yourself.


Re: About Grease?

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 7:04 pm
by daz
I use this in my transmissions:

Re: About Grease?

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:11 am
by Dan in IL
I haven't had any experience with their oil yet, but I hope to in the near future. If you research their products they get rave reviews on everything they make.

The bad thing about lubricants is that we tend to use what we perceive as a good product without really having any proof that they do their job. After all these years I think I'm learning!

Re: About Grease?

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:45 am
by daz
History of Schaeffer:

The Legend of Black Beauty

Stories are told of how miners in Alaska in the 1850s used Black Beauty grease on their faces to protect themselves from wintry weather where temperatures reached down to 60 below zero. Because the grease was made of animal fats, it was said that miners even used it to fry their eggs making Black Beauty one of the earliest multi-purpose greases.

After 1859, the company turned to petroleum as the base of its lubricating products which improved its performance in transport and industrial applications but precluded its use in food preparation. Pioneer lubricant marketers faced some unusual challenges.

"We have an old salesman journal, now called a call report, circa 1870," says John Schaeffer Shields, who is chairman of the board of Schaeffer Manufacturing Co. "He had written:

Can't make calls today. Bridge is out due to high water and town is closed down today due to a hanging."

Re: About Grease?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:38 pm
by Zombie Master
Lubrication is everything.