When the Boxerworks Forum goes out.....

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When the Boxerworks Forum goes out.....

Post by dwerbil »

Save and log on to the Boxerworks Forum alternate Yahoo Groups site.....


There's about 50 of us with membership there which allows one to stay in touch when the message board goes batty. One can read the Yahoo Group posts on-line or elect to have postings emailed to their own email address.


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Randy in Round Rock
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Ken in Oklahoma
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Re: When the Boxerworks Forum goes out.....

Post by Ken in Oklahoma »

I'm sure glad you posted that, Randy.

It's been so long since we've had problems with Boxerworks going down that I almost forgot what it was like. Suddenly I was isolated, or so it felt. And I had no idea what, if anything, was being done to fix the problem. And then the outage persisted. Was Boxerworks down for good? Surely not, but the doubt nagged.

While I was feeling isolated and ignorant of what might be going on, the appearance of an altbmw email in my inbox suddenly bolstered my spirits. And then I thought about the other Boxerworks members who might not even have heard of the altbmw group on Yahoo. Unless they had exchanged some personal emails with another forum member they would be totally in the dark.

Not a good feeling.

And now we know that even with new forum software and server that an outage can and probably will happen again.

Your posting, Randy, will likely help others during the next down time. And fewer of us will feel totally unconnected.

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Re: When the Boxerworks Forum goes out.....

Post by Primate »

A Boxerworks fallout shelter! Fine idea.
1974 R90/6 ::Thor::
"Bones aren't important; we like motorcycles." --My boy D @ 4 years.
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