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Any Dyna III users here?
Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 10:28 pm
by dwerbil
I'm kicking around putting one on my /7. Seems the past few years conventional ignition points quality has been dropping off (they only last a few k miles). I'm looking for a change. How well does the Dyna III work and does it last?
(edit typo)
Re: Any Dyna III users here?
Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 12:41 am
by richard t
I have one that worked fine right up until it quit in the yard, I replaced the black box had no problem since, Ken I believe had one suddenly leave him walking, that is not a good thing.
Re: Any Dyna III users here?
Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 6:14 am
by Ken in Oklahoma
Randy, you've probably already read my rants about the Dyna III, so I'll spare you, except for the summary. It "stranded" me twice on my R100/7, once on the road and once in the garage. (liberal interpretation of "stranded") I was also vexed by the difficulty of getting the L and R cylinder timing mark flashes in alignment.
Total time in use? Maybe a year.
No more Dyna III's for me.
About those points not lasting, could it be the capacitor's fault? Is it the tungsten points deteriorating or the rubbing block against the points cam wearing prematurely?
Re: Any Dyna III users here?
Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 7:14 am
by Kurt in S.A.
I'm on my 2nd Dyna III since the mid 80s. I like them fine. Just be sure and carry all of the original parts to convert back if necessary.
Kurt in S.A.
Re: Any Dyna III users here?
Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 9:07 pm
by dwerbil
Thanks for the info. Ken, sounds like a run of bad luck with the Dynas. I didn't keep up with the "rant" threads back then.
I'll wait a while a check out Boyer and others.
The last two or three sets of points, I literally had to dremel down the rubbing block a tad or two with it being too tall to be able to make a proper adjustment on the points. My so-called premature failure of points could very well be due to not changing the condenser each time. Both points and condenser were replaced last week so it should be good for sometime.
Re: Any Dyna III users here?
Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 7:17 am
by Kurt in S.A.
dwerbil wrote:The last two or three sets of points, I literally had to dremel down the rubbing block a tad or two with it being too tall to be able to make a proper adjustment on the points.
Sounds like you had a run of the bad Chinese points...IIRC BMW accepted them on return once they got a replacement set back in stock.
Kurt in S.A.
Re: Any Dyna III users here?
Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 1:06 pm
by Major Softie
dwerbil wrote:I didn't keep up with the "rant" threads back then.
We have another kind?
Re: Any Dyna III users here?
Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 4:02 pm
by Steve in Golden
I had a Dyna III on both the R80/7 and R100/7 I used to have, no problems with either.