Using an oilhead tach on my '92 GS
Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 1:55 pm
The tach on my GS crapped out a few months ago. 2nd or 3rd time an airhead electronic tach has failed for me. Don't really want to spend the money to have it rebuilt, as don't really consider it essential, just sort of interesting info.
But, I have a working tach from a '03 R1150RTP, and low and behold, the plug connections are identical. With a little gap filling work, I could fit this right in the same hole. Anybody know if the signal from the airhead electronic ignition will drive (accurately) an oilhead tach? I'm confused by the "lost spark" issue...
Also, I'd appreciate suggestions of other options. I've seen very small electronic (digital readout) tachs. Not interested in one of the older small add-on tachs like on the R80G/S, or earlier R100GS.
But, I have a working tach from a '03 R1150RTP, and low and behold, the plug connections are identical. With a little gap filling work, I could fit this right in the same hole. Anybody know if the signal from the airhead electronic ignition will drive (accurately) an oilhead tach? I'm confused by the "lost spark" issue...
Also, I'd appreciate suggestions of other options. I've seen very small electronic (digital readout) tachs. Not interested in one of the older small add-on tachs like on the R80G/S, or earlier R100GS.