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5 speed bearings...
Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 9:04 pm
by fig
I'll be replacing the bearings in my gearbox and was checking around for prices. Hucky and Max sell SKF and FAG, they're kinda pricey. Over at Cycle Works they sell, I think, Koyo bearings which are cheaper. Anyone have experience with these? I've never heard of the brand before. A little searching on the web indicates that Koyo is a pretty big operation and bearings are made in Japan. Does anyone have these in their machine and do you recommend?
Also whats the consensus on replacing all the bearings versus just the ones that are obviously no good. I was planning on leaving the front input shaft bearing for instance.
Re: 5 speed bearings...
Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 10:39 pm
by ME 109
As far as I know, koyo are good.
My recent purchase of bearings from motobins were SKF from a poorer country, can't remember which.
Replace the five ball bearings, it makes no sense not to.
Re: 5 speed bearings...
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 3:34 am
by esman100
I just replaced mine about 1k miles ago with Koyo and they seem fine. My gearbox is staying cool and not whining so far.
Re: 5 speed bearings...
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 5:48 am
by Major Softie
Bearing purchasing has become rather complicated. It's not enough to choose a good quality manufacturer. There are quite a few reports of people purchasing brand name bearings and finding that they received "counterfeit" bearings: bearings that had been made in China by a far less reputable manufacturer, and then repackaged in counterfeit packaging.
So, the most important choice when buying bearings may well not be who's bearings you are buying, but who you are buying them from.
Re: 5 speed bearings...
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 8:26 am
by Roy Gavin
The roller up front of the input shaft is BMW specific and is worth almost as much as the five balls put together, so you might want to be certain it needs to be replaced.
There is a bit tricky work fitting it too, as the shock absorber spring needs to be compressed to remove a clip it the drive end, before the inner bearing sleeve can be removed.
It has an easier life than the balls as it is not subject to the same end loads that the ball bearings are, and it has a greater capacity anyway.
The inner sleeve of the bearing is the special part, and when I compared the old and new sleeves I couldnt detect any wear/ difference in the size, so I could probably have left it in place and use a stock outer bearing.
BMW Boxer Supplies in Holland supply the special inner sleeve for use with a stock bearing, which cuts the cost, but unless you are shipping a few other bits the postage negates any saving.
Re: 5 speed bearings...
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 8:44 pm
by fig
Hey thanks for the replies. Just looked at Motobins site, about $60 for the five bearings, half what Max charges. Can't tell what shipping would cost tho maybe I'll give them a ring tomorrow.
Re: 5 speed bearings...
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 10:19 pm
by SteveD
fig wrote:Hey thanks for the replies. Just looked at Motobins site, about $60 for the five bearings, half what Max charges. Can't tell what shipping would cost tho maybe I'll give them a ring tomorrow.
Though shipping won't be much different, or shouldn't be, I believe that now post to the USA. They at least tell you the shipping cost at checkout.
Re: 5 speed bearings...
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:52 pm
by fig
So after inspection I found out the drive gear on the input shaft is worn. The damage looks just like what Me 109 showed in a photo a while back during his rebuild -
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=5316&hilit=gearbox&start=20 - The advise given was to only replace the damaged gear. His was obviously a different gear but will I need to replace the mating gear in my situation? It doesn't show any damage at all just normal wear.
Re: 5 speed bearings...
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:25 pm
by Major Softie
fig wrote:So after inspection I found out the drive gear on the input shaft is worn. The damage looks just like what Me 109 showed in a photo a while back during his rebuild -
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=5316&hilit=gearbox&start=20 - The advise given was to only replace the damaged gear. His was obviously a different gear but will I need to replace the mating gear in my situation? It doesn't show any damage at all just normal wear.
You're talking about the input shaft gear that drives the cluster, right? You
better be able to just replace that one gear, because if you need to replace the cluster, you might as well just go buy a whole used transmission - for a lot less money.
Re: 5 speed bearings...
Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:22 am
by fig
Yup we're talking about the same gear. Good to know I won't have to deal with the lay shaft, was worried there for a minute