The 5 Speed Post-Mortem

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Ray from Indiana
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The 5 Speed Post-Mortem

Post by Ray from Indiana »

Well I got my gears ( 1982 5 speed ) cleaned for inspection. Its not good. Can't stick my bearings on just yet.

The input gear is buggered with pitting which from what I understand is typical for an 80s 5-speed. The mating layshaft
gear is less pitted but is still slightly pitted all the same.

Now Moto Bins sells the 5th gear for the layshaft. The question is, can this gear be removed with a hydraulic press or is it heat shrunk on the shaft? I really should ask the people selling the gear shouldn't I.

Just wanted to ask anyone who has fixed such a problem. I know the standard answer would be to replace the layshaft.
But hey, I only paid $1k for this bike 10 years ago.
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Re: The 5 Speed Post-Mortem

Post by disston »

Ray, did you ever get any help with the 5 speed? The bearings and the gears are removed and replaced with a shop press. You need a good one. I had a Harbor Freight once and it was useless. Just too low a quality. I now own a 17.5 ton OTC that cost me $700. I also have several hundred dollars worth of splitters and press tools of different sorts (a lot of junk really).

The lay shaft can be taken apart. It is a press fit but it is very tight. Too small a press won't do. Some have had trouble using a 20 ton but my 17.5 does it very well. I explain this by the fact that my press is still brand new and in good shape.

Some times a pitted gear will be all you have. An old machinist once told me that I could fill the pits with brazing rod and this would cut down on the noise. I never tried this. But I have implied from his statement that the pitted gear can still be used. I don't know how bad it would be before it isn't usable at all. I suppose that it can be too pitted.

Some of the parts in the transmissions are not available. Good Luck.
Deleted User 62

Re: The 5 Speed Post-Mortem

Post by Deleted User 62 »

Welcome to the forum, Disston!!
Posts: 25
Joined: Sat Sep 21, 2013 4:39 pm

Re: The 5 Speed Post-Mortem

Post by disston »

Thanks Tim.

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