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Dismantling my tacho ?

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:34 pm
by Sibbo
Is there a thread somewhere ?

The clear plastic lens has gone all crazed from the sun and there is a bit of moisture inside too that sometimes condenses on the underside of the lens. I can easily replace the lens with a bit of polycarbonate but I don't know how to take it all apart. I haven't tried very hard yet cos I don't want to damage it.

The bike is a 1981 R80 ST.

Any help welcome .

Re: Dismantling my tacho ?

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:53 pm
by Duane Ausherman
Easy to take apart, hard to put back together. The chrome ring is rolled on and very hard to duplicate at home. I would get another ring before I started. You might ask a local shop if they have a roller.

Re: Dismantling my tacho ?

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:12 pm
by Sibbo
Thanks Duane, are there any exploded diagrams out there ?

Re: Dismantling my tacho ?

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:40 pm
by Deleted User 62
Here's a site that covers the /5 instrument. Lots of good crossover information. Do you have a press? It helps to have something to hold it all together and compressed while doing the crimping operation. ... -twin.html

Re: Dismantling my tacho ?

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:08 am
by Sibbo
Thanks Tim, that's doable but what a royal stuff around ! Why couldn't they have thread on it !!!

I guess that's what's going to have to happen though, i have a lathe so I can make the tooling .

Re: Dismantling my tacho ?

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:20 am
by DucatiPete
Tim Shepherd wrote:Here's a site that covers the /5 instrument. Lots of good crossover information. Do you have a press? It helps to have something to hold it all together and compressed while doing the crimping operation. ... -twin.html
Thanks for the link, Tim.

I guess if you were REALLY careful you could prise a ring off then press/roll it back on using one of those tools illustrated...

Fortunately (for me) our speedo/tachos can still be repaired by those (expensive/cranky) instrument fitters.

Though please note that /5 speedo/tachs are still available new from s.meyer - for not much more than what i paid to get mine overhauled! :roll:


Re: Dismantling my tacho ?

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:56 am
by Sibbo
That very nice set of tooling in the link could be duplicated in a rough kind of way using my old wood lathe and plywood "tooling" :? to hold everything together while I run the bearing tool against the bezel. The wood lathe and ply would be adequate because the speeds is minimal .

Re: Dismantling my tacho ?

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:03 pm
by Deleted User 62
DucatiPete wrote:
Though please note that /5 speedo/tachs are still available new from s.meyer - for not much more than what i paid to get mine overhauled! :roll:

I don't see it on their website, can you post a link?