Haven't been here at all for the past weeks, because of vacation AND building the everso important closed shed to house my Airhead and my two Vespas… Can't have them spend winter outside

So now, I'm gathering all the parts I need to make a major overhaul. I will do a big order at Motobins, and I'm trying to cram as much in there as I can.
I got the BMW auxiliary manual, with all the exploded drawings and part numbers. It has been a great help for cross reference and such. But there remains a gray area in my mind when it comes to ordering control cables and other components on the handlebars. For the majority of the all the other components, there is not much difference between the USA version and the European version in the book., When I get to the control cables, Motobins has choices of sport handlebars, or USA handlebars.
From what Duane comented on my original photos post, it appears that I have the "low" or "European" handlebars. Does this equate to the "sports" handlebars that Motobins refer to?
Also, I wanted to get panniers for the bike, but don't have the frames to mount them on. I will probably go for Hepcos or Krauser if I can find them. Only thing is that If I order a new frame, or get one used on ebay, will the frames for the original Krauser panniers fit other makes of panniers like Hepco?
Thanks again for your enduring support!