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Need a frame?
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:26 pm
by Duane Ausherman
I am about to list 2 frames on eBay that came off of 1974 R90/6 bikes. I don’t have a frame jig to do the proper test, but they were riding down the highway when the engines failed in about 2002. They pass the string test, backbone is straight and gussets are flat. Swing arms are true, as the axle fits. The forks weren’t bent either. I “think” that I have titles somewhere too, just hope to find them.
I have no idea what frames are worth these days. Anybody know?
Re: Need a frame?
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:26 pm
by dwerbil
Duane, here's what the cat coughed up on a Ebay "BMW motorcycle frame" search.... ... ame&_sop=3
Re: Need a frame?
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 6:18 pm
by Duane Ausherman
Thanks Randy. Some owners are really proud of their frames.
I won't do a "but it now" as I just want to get rid of them. This isn't my retirement plan.
Re: Need a frame?
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 6:20 pm
by Ken in Oklahoma
Duane Ausherman wrote:I have no idea what frames are worth these days. Anybody know?
In a word--shipping!
About 5 years ago I needed a titled frame for a '79 RT. I advertised on the IBMWR want ads. I got a few responses. One response was about 400 miles away and he had two of them. He would give me one if I would come and get it. He had parted the bikes out and the frames were left over. Being an airhead guy he couldn't bear to trash two perfectly good frames. Understandable.
I ended up finding another frame that was easy to get--so now I have another airhead project awaiting my attention.
The big hangup was shipping costs. I stumbled onto a discussion on the internet. One person thought that the frame didn't need to be boxed to ship UPS, but given the dimensions it still would be expensive. Another person suggested that bus lines still haul some cargo and would haul a frame for about $50 (IIRC).
So I think those considerations will affect the saleability of your frames.
By the way, you can also pretty much get all the Luftmeister fairings you want for free if you just come pick them up.
Sorry Duane, I just couldn't help myself!
Editing: I looked at those ebay frames. I just don't believe the $35 shipping cost quoted.
Re: Need a frame?
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:38 pm
by Deleted User 287
I bought a R65 frame when I was trying to put it back together after my horrific fuck-up. It was shipped via a bus line with protective wrap around the important places.
Re: Need a frame?
Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:57 am
by jagarra
Since I recently went through an long process of trying to get a bike titled where the original title was lost, I would be very careful buying a undocumented frame. If I had a damaged frame that was titled, well I guess I would swap all the serial information and keep on riding without involving DMV. The problem I have encountered with CA DMV was that they wanted all past registration fess from the last time fees were paid to the present, in my case $750.00.
Of course I would hope that all states are not so greedy. I would check with your local DMV to see if one could get a bare frame titled with a receipt from purchase.
Re: Need a frame?
Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:09 am
by Duane Ausherman
Good point jagarra. As a dealer I dealt with them all of the time, so I learned how they think and operate. I would learn which employee knew the business and was also sympathetic.
That was 100 years ago and the CA DMV gets new directions almost daily. I am as ignorant as the next guy now.