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R68 info

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:43 pm
by vanzen
I have been currently involved in selling
my 30+ years collection
of /7 era airhead parts.

And (quite unexpectedly)
had a serious offer
for my 1952 R68.

Sales of this model are rare
and prices are all over the map ...

Please help -

Your thoughts as to what it might be worth ?

I know the request is totally generic -
not knowing condition, etc, etc ...

but I do value your input.


Re: R68 4 sale

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:01 pm
by Jean
FIRST, It all depends on IF YOU WANT TO SELL.
And do you want to sell it to THIS person?
Is your connection to this bike personal-emotional or is it just an "interesting" item you happen to own?

Re: R68 4 sale

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:03 pm
by Major Softie
REALLY need some photos and service/originality info.

It could easily be anywhere between $4000 and $15,000. Could be even more (concourse type condition), but not likely to be much less unless it's REALLY ugly.

My WAG on a nice rider in decent but nowhere near perfect original condition would be maybe $8,000?

Re: R68 info

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:03 pm
by vanzen
Jean -
I was not specifically looking to sell
i.e. no need or urgency.
Yes, emotional baggage - my very 1st
in a long history of BMW mc ownership.
I've owned the mc for @ 35 years.
No problems with the buyer either ...
well versed w/airheads
and, quite frankly,
better positioned to restore the mc than I

the offer is well placed within the $ range
MS has presented above.

(thanks, Major)

Re: R68 info

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:18 am
by Garnet
There will never be another one like it once it is gone. I recall seeing a pic of it in your house and I doubt that it will deteriorate much there. As for value....... it will hold it's value better than the green backs that get for it.

Still...... I'm considering selling one or both of my old bikes as I never use them, so I'm a poor one to give advice.

Re: R68 info

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 3:47 pm
by CVA-42
Wait a minute. I've read this several times. What part am I missing? We're talking about a 1952 R68? Prices have been going up. In 2011, an R68 appeared on eBay but reportedly sold privately for $37K. Most recently, one sold on the north side of $50K, maybe $60K+, I don't recall the exact number.

Re: R68 info

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:27 pm
by vanzen
Yes, I've heard some of those stories
and that prompts my post here.
Sales of R68s are few and far between.
Assessing "current" market value, therefor
becomes quite problematic.

Re: R68 info

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:52 pm
by CVA-42
Vanzen - - Agree. Sales are few and far between but so are the bikes. In addition to the recent sale I mentioned, Roland Slabon just sold one for more than $50K on eBay. Or, maybe $50K was the high bid and it didn't make reserve. I don't remember. Contact Roland, Jeff Dean, and/or Tim Stafford for more info. I think they're as current as you'll find on prices.

Re: R68 info

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:15 pm
by Deleted User 287
And then there is -

Do I sell it to the highest bidder and possibly make a pile of cash,


Do I sell it to a friend that I know will treat it the way I have, or better, but I don't want him to have to pay me $40,000.

Re: R68 info

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:12 pm
by Major Softie
Is yours in that kind of "collector perfect" condition?