ZM, I tried the cheapo printed circuit type of heater pads with limited success. They sort of work, but getting the pads to stick, and then getting the grips to stick to the pads when there is a lot of heat in there proved problematic. That and the limited control over heat settings (Off - Low - High) led me to spend more dollars for some Oxford grips. There are a few different models available - I went with these: ... Grips.html
Five heat settings:
And if the battery voltage falls below 10.5V they will switch off to save your battery.
They are pretty easy to install:
Connect the positive to a Green/Black wire (switched and fused) and the negative to a Brown terminal somewhere. I took my cables down under the tank - I have spare power and ground terminals available there. You might find it easier to wire into the headlight.
One difficulty with the Oxfords is that the fluting ridges on the throttle tube must be turned down in a lathe to fit into the grip on the throttle side. The grips are glued on with the supplied 'super glue'.
I know a few other riders who have Oxfords and all seem to be very happy with them. They are a well thought out, mature product.
and Brunhilde - 1974 R90/6
Graduate, Wallace and Gromit School of Engineering and Design (Pending)