Always window shopping...

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Always window shopping...

Post by lrz »

Ebay,CL, forum&internet Flea Mkts,etc; I'm noticing a good many /2's for sale recently some w/ impressive price tag$.

Beyond the spring selling season, I'm beginning to wonder if people suddenly have to sell some toys.

OTOH, "regular" type 247's prices seem to be lower than recent years. Used parts, however, seem to be bucking this trend!

Agree/disagree, old news, don't care just want it to stop raining?!

What say ye?
Major Softie
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Re: Always window shopping...

Post by Major Softie »

/2's have definitely taken a big jump in the past 5 years.

Haven't noticed the other trends.
MS - out
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Re: Always window shopping...

Post by vanzen »

Prices are all about market dynamics –
Today's market is a buyer's dream – an opportunity to buy cheap, if you got the $$ to spend
and a BIOTCH if you need $$ and have to sell ...

Business & capitalism are ALL OVER exploitation of that very situation ...
Deleted User 62

Re: Always window shopping...

Post by Deleted User 62 »

lrz wrote:Ebay,CL, forum&internet Flea Mkts,etc; I'm noticing a good many /2's for sale recently some w/ impressive price tag$.

Beyond the spring selling season, I'm beginning to wonder if people suddenly have to sell some toys.

OTOH, "regular" type 247's prices seem to be lower than recent years. Used parts, however, seem to be bucking this trend!

Agree/disagree, old news, don't care just want it to stop raining?!

What say ye?
Well, to be honest, I wish it would stop raining, but we do need the water. Regards /2 prices, they are pretty thin on the ground here in Hawaii, but the last three (only three) times I've seen them advertised here in the islands, they were asking $14-15,000. This is for very nice restored and or running motorcycles. I've put my '61 R50/2 project on craigslist a couple of times, just to test the waters, so to speak. At $5,000 with extra parts, engine, tools, manuals, etc., only two guys called, one twice, telling me that there wasn't much of a market and would I take $4,000? :roll: As for the later Airheads, there's everything from great deals; $1500 -$2000 runners, to perfectly restored bikes for $5000-$6000, and people who want $3800 for a rusting wreck that's been sitting out too long... go figure
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Re: Always window shopping...

Post by Ridercam »

I might take some heat for this but.... Could these bike less valuable compared to new bikes. These bikes have harder to come by parts, pieces and expertise to work on them. /2s are beautiful but are less likely to be ridden and or more for collections. How many /2s, r69s, /5 or r90 S does one want... I might suggest that grandpa's bike has waining interest - there are some great bikes out there with a dwindling audience who yearned for them in thier youth. Moreover, One most likely need two parts-donor bikes to keep your airhead running in the near future - a serious consideration for a practical middle class rider.

I was checking out the German eBay - I was surprised at the number of old bikes for what seemed reasonable money. perhaps is the state of things as compared to a new basic r1200 r classic that retails 14k plus tax.
I always brake in corners and think how I am going to get home if I really mess up. When I get home, I wished that I hadn't used my brakes and should have ridden a bit further.
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