Por me.

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Major Softie
Posts: 8900
Joined: Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:46 pm

Re: Por me.

Post by Major Softie »

lrz wrote: E15 is now the norm?

I thought I recently heard the new movement in the US is to end $ubsidies for ethanol corn; I was hoping we'd avoid E15 here. IMO older motors will not tolerate it well if at all.
A "movement" is not the same as "going to happen." You are right about the anti-subsidies movement, but there are also movements to legalize pot, end Medicare, go to a flat tax, give amnesty to illegal aliens, repeal the healthcare reforms, end abortion rights, etc....

You get my point.

I would love it if they reversed themselves on the ethanol mandate, but I would not hold my breath.
MS - out
Roy Gavin
Posts: 400
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Location: Adelaide Australia

Re: Por me.

Post by Roy Gavin »

I dont think it the ethanol which is causing the problem - it is only alcohol after all , an a nice drop of Black Label E66 hasnt done be me much harm in 60 odd years.

And E15 wont strip paint or dissolve rubber - get a bottle of meths, E 100 and try it for yourself.

However, toluene, or lacquer thinners, will strip paint, dissolve rubber and plastic and do other nasty thing.

It will also improve the octane rating of poor gas, and IMHO adding toluene is what is causing the problem.
Adelaide, Oz. 77 R75/7. 86 R80 G/S PD, 93 R100 GS, 70 BSA B44 VS ,BMW F650 Classic
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