balancing carbs

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Re: balancing carbs

Post by twist »

that's sort of whay I asked the question, dougie. Also, there are those times, out on the road during a trip when it is handy to know how to do it by ear because I just don't carry a twinmax or manometer with me. I just think it's good to know how to tune my bike with basic tools.
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Ken in Oklahoma
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Re: Moderation

Post by Ken in Oklahoma »

Native /5 wrote: Ahem,... a lady is either naked or not, there are no almost nor very naked ladies.

To prove my point, I dare you (and ZM) to post any examples right here.

Wow, I'm glad you didn't double dog dare me! But an ordinary dare I can ignore.

Well, I guess I'm not exactly ignoring it now, am I ? You know what I mean.

OK then, but I can make my point without posting any pics that appeal to prurient interests. Imagine a naked lady who you find really appealing. Now imagine a very ugly naked lady who has everything you don't want. That lady would be very naked!

To distract you from that image that is now burned in to your brain, I'm going to tell you and old joke, that you've probably already heard.

Do you know the difference between naked and nekkid?
Answer: Naked means you ain't got no clothes on. Nekkid means you ain't got no clothes on and you're up to somethin'!

Ken, clothed in Oklahoma
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Re: balancing carbs

Post by Garnet »

I balanced by ear for over 30 years of BMW ownership. Mianly because most of my bikes had no vacume ports. I allways got them pretty good, eventually.

Last year I splurged and spent almost $9 makeing a $4 balancer.
It is more acurate than my ear but tricky to use as you are reading both sides at once. Some day I spend real money on some proper mercury sticks.

Duane's point about understanding how your carbs work and diagnosing the possible problems is the most imporant part of balancing your carbs. Since the most important part of balancing (setting cable length) is done just off idle, the idle circut is still very much in play. In the real world of riding you spend most of the time on the needle jet/needle. If there is a problem with either circut then the perfect balance that you achieved on one will be off on the other, no mater what method you used to balance them.

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Re: balancing carbs

Post by Garnet »

AND nekked ladies never hurt either.

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Re: Moderation

Post by Zombie Master »

Native /5 wrote: Ahem,... a lady is either naked or not, there are no almost nor very naked ladies.

To prove my point, I dare you (and ZM) to post any examples right here.
almost naked:
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Re: balancing carbs

Post by Jean »

Thas what you get for water skiing at low tide in the inland waterway.
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Re: Moderation

Post by Major Softie »

Native /5 wrote:Ahem,... a lady is either naked or not, there are no almost nor very naked ladies.

To prove my point, I dare you (and ZM) to post any examples right here.
I believe the dare (or "challenge") has been met. Ken and ZM have each posited completely different examples, and I completely agree with them both.
MS - out
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Re: balancing carbs

Post by dougie »

I love dirty women. 8-)
I've spent most of my money on women, motorcycles, and beer.
The rest of it I just wasted.
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Re: balancing carbs

Post by George Ryals »

KIO, you should give credit to Lewis Grizzard for the joke :-)
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Re: balancing carbs

Post by moonbeamerll »

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