Pannier compatiblity.

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Pannier compatiblity.

Post by Garnet »

Has anyone put 80s BMW bags on a /5?

There are some used ones avaiable localy which is rare. ... s_15784894

I know the brackets are of little use but not sure if the bags will tuck in neatly like the Kausers did.

Major Softie
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Re: Pannier compatiblity.

Post by Major Softie »

As long as you are handy with fabrication (to make custom brackets), I would think they would tuck in very nicely.
MS - out
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Re: Pannier compatiblity.

Post by moosehead »

These bags are for a R100GS therefore are different sizes left vs right! They will not work on the R75!

I know as had them on my GS. The left side bag is smaller due to exhaust system on left side of bike whereas the right side bag is considerably bigger.

Don't know if can see in this pic...the left bag smaller then right I(GS on the right in photo)
Another shot...

The "system cases" that are on the RT (left in phto) are symetrical in size - left and right. Probably will work on the R75 but personally think the Krausers would look better about some
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Re: Pannier compatiblity.

Post by Garnet »

I forgot about the 2 different sizes. :oops:

I had a nice set of Cravens like that, but I GAVE them to a buddy of mine and the bastard typical airhead rider won't give them back. :cry:

Deleted User 62

Re: Pannier compatiblity.

Post by Deleted User 62 »

Hey Garnet, I have a nice set of Krausers with mounts for a short wheelbase /5, PM me if you are interested.
Major Softie
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Re: Pannier compatiblity.

Post by Major Softie »

Those aren't "System" cases on the RT. Hard to see for sure, but they are probably "Integral" cases that were on late 80's - early 90's bikes. System cases are what are on early 1100 - 1150 Oilheads. I don't think there were ever any System cases for Airheads.
MS - out
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Re: Pannier compatiblity.

Post by moosehead »

Thank you MS...I relly didn't like any of the "intregal" cases. Locks were numbing to use for one thing. Preferred the Krausers.

But I loved the Hepco-Becker Exepditions... great for holding couple bags of ice and load of chilled beers all day at a campsite...were also handy bench and table as well as a work bench if required :lol:

Wish I never sold them with the GS. I shoulda kept them. Looking for a set to put on an R100 beater I use for the backroads camping expeditions now. They would look cool on an R75 n'est pas? Garnet what do you think?
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Re: Pannier compatiblity.

Post by Garnet »

They would certainly make my /5 look .... ah..... big.

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Re: Pannier compatiblity.

Post by SteveD »

Major Softie wrote:Those aren't "System" cases on the RT. Hard to see for sure, but they are probably "Integral" cases that were on late 80's - early 90's bikes. System cases are what are on early 1100 - 1150 Oilheads. I don't think there were ever any System cases for Airheads.
The RT has what was called "Classic Panniers" oem BMW issue. I'm almost certain they fit any long base twin shock including the R45 and R65. The 45 and 65 used those same panniers, but had a different frame to suit the bike. I'd guess the right side pannier would also be the same one for the g/s or ST, but the left is different to account for the muffler.
Cheers, Steve
Victoria, S.E.Oz.

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