Was going over FD today to check splines out , clean and regrease I found that had 5 loose rivets in the cup spline...could spin them with my fingers as well as slight rotation in the cup spline itself...WTF! Don't think this is normal.
Since I had a new wheel spine cup riveted on my high mileage bike last year (due to new RD spline rep[lacement) i checked them out to see what shape they were in (after 12,000 kms). Nothing budges on that one. My good buddy did those rivets at his shop with a special jig and peening tool and one MF hammer. I remember watching hin do it and those rivets did not move after he was done, nor do they move now.
Think I'll have John just re-rivet (re-peen) the loose ones and go from there. Maybe try and remove 1 or 2 of loose ones to see if hub holes are elongated (softer aluminum) in that case looks like the nut/bolt procedure. Stay tuned.
So is this just shoddy work from the factory (peening the rivets) or is there something else causing this do you think?
May want to check your rivets at next tire change.

PS: Tried drilling out loose one just now...pretty hard to do when all they do is spin...wondering if can cut head off with dremel? I'll figure something out.
PPS: So far think mileage is under 50K's. Barrels, heads, rings checked outnicely and FD splines looked only about 20%worn.. just lotsa leaks.