I hope everyone's had a good xmas & great new year so far... a mate of mine definitely had a good one:
Back story: Glyn has a very nice cafe'd 850 Norton. Unfortunately, being a Norton, he has to spend more time working on it than he gets to ride - which is pretty boring for some of his ride buddies (like me, for example).

I've been at him for some time to get a real "ridable" classic, ie airhead beemer. Well, just before xmas I was trawling the usual sites for likely candidates for a whimsical cafe or flat-track project I've been thinking about. I came across a crappy pic of a cheap '78 r100s for sale nearby. I was out of town at the time and really had to reflect on whether i 'needed' another bike - which lead to much soul-searching.

Now to the first point at hand: after 30+ years the bike still has an early, non-reinforced, snowflake front wheel

So, SteveD (in particular) if you're around: I recall you helped Grant with the re-call biz for his front wheel... What's the story?

(If Steve's not around, does anyone else know how you go about getting a replacement wheel?)
I'll post more of the story and pics in coming posts.
Stay cool!