special tools & how to improvise....

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special tools & how to improvise....

Post by Matt »

I'm putting a late model motor together out of my '88 R100GS. This is only the 2nd time i can remember doing a motorcycle project somewhere other than a serious shop. In this case I don't have as many tools, special tools & just stuff to use!
My kit is lacking, I need a tool to install the front crank seal. Anyone know off the top of your head the optimum alternative set up for front crank seal install? PVC pipe? socket? I'm sure I could weasel it in there by hand but I wanna do it right AND I'd like to have the correct part to facilitate the next install.

Also, I need to get the rear crank ....guide ring? you know the part on the end of the crank with 5 holes in it that is in the way of the rear main seal tool I do in fact have. and I just realized that I must have never done a rear main seal on a late style Airhead. I was befuddled by this fact. So how do I pop the guide ring off? Can I do it freestyle or do I need a puller?

and I can't find my big Clymer(or any one) manual either. & that's irking me. Getting set up in a work space for the first time is kind of daunting.

and so I'd be interested in hearing about any and all Airhead special tool alternatives you may have.

Matt Richards
Deleted User 287

Re: special tools & how to improvise....

Post by Deleted User 287 »

Matt wrote:Also, I need to get the rear crank ....guide ring? you know the part on the end of the crank with 5 holes in it that is in the way of the rear main seal tool I do in fact have. and I just realized that I must have never done a rear main seal on a late style Airhead. I was befuddled by this fact. So how do I pop the guide ring off? Can I do it freestyle or do I need a puller?
The ring guide comes off with a pair of locking pliers and a heat gun to warm up the bond of the oil holding it to the crankshaft.

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Deleted User 72

Re: special tools & how to improvise....

Post by Deleted User 72 »

A guy in TX, uses the handle "lamontsanfurd" on eBay, sold me a guide ring for ten bucks. I had bought the flywheel/clutch from him earlier for my '77 RS changeover to the zippy flywheel.

You might give him a try. His real name is Larry Chabira.
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Re: special tools & how to improvise....

Post by Matt »

oops, i meant I need to get the guide ring OFF.
& thanks for the great pictures Rob.
I didn't even try using vise-grips. I was just afraid I'd push the crank forward or something similarly silly :oops:
Matt Richards
Kurt in S.A.
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Re: special tools & how to improvise....

Post by Kurt in S.A. »

Matt wrote:I didn't even try using vise-grips. I was just afraid I'd push the crank forward or something similarly silly :oops:
Crank blocked? That would prevent some silly :oops: from happening.

Kurt in S.A.
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Re: special tools & how to improvise....

Post by Matt »

I'm just sticking a new rear main seal in & apparently you have to pull the end cap off to use the tool...
Matt Richards
Kurt in S.A.
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Re: special tools & how to improvise....

Post by Kurt in S.A. »

If you have the flywheel off, I think for any reason, there is a danger of the crank moving forward. It takes a few minutes to block it. Usually people put something fairly small that plugs into the forward hole on the alternator bolt so it sits maybe 0.5" proud of the bolt, and then slip the engine cover back on until it's snug. You could also rig up a 2x4 that is held back by wrapping roping around the board and the jugs. If the crank moves forward, you'll not be having a fun day!!

Kurt in S.A.
the quinner
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Re: special tools & how to improvise....

Post by the quinner »

justoneoftheguys wrote:The ring guide comes off with a pair of locking pliers and a heat gun to warm up the bond of the oil holding it to the crankshaft.
I just did a rear main seal on a 1984 last week..heat/vice-grips...that's how I do it. I keep thinking I should make a puller for them, but haven't.

For the crank seal, if the timing cover is on the bike, find a socket that fits over the crankshaft nose and fits the OD of the seal. If the cover is on the bench, find or make something the OD of the seal.
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Re: special tools & how to improvise....

Post by Chuey »

Matt, I used the claws of a small claw hammer to lever off the guide ring.

Duane Ausherman
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Re: special tools & how to improvise....

Post by Duane Ausherman »

The majority of the Matra tools were very poorly designed. We found ways to do the jobs without most of those tools, but a few were really great and necessary.

Often an old BMW part was used to make a tool. I have only used a few of Ed's tools, but there were all good.
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