New R100S in the neighbourhood: A saga begins!

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New R100S in the neighbourhood: A saga begins!

Post by DucatiPete »

Installment II: Well, that'll stop ya! Freakin' soft-arsed drain plugs! :x
Update to my mate Glyn's recent purchase of a '78 R100S.

Glyn brought the S over today to continue the on-going first once-over - ie mostly fluid changes and eyeballing any other potential issues.

We changed the engine oil/filter without drama - apart from overfilling the oil. Unfortunately, i employed my dodgy memory when asked by Glyn how much oil... "... about 3 litres, i think," says I.. well, of course, it's more like 2.25lt, d'oh. So we drained off the requisite amt. (3.5lt is the amt used in my 1150... :roll: damn middle-aged memory strikes again!)

Next job? drain and refill those spongy forks - this proved to be somewhat more interesting. ;)

The manual just says remove the bottom nut (using a hex key through a socket-type arrangement): done, no worries... and push the hex plug up to drain the fluid. Well, ya reckon we could budge those little suckers!?... OK, so after being a little 'stuck' we farted around a bit, employed google, checked with the 'bum for his take on it, mumbled curses towards those German engineers of yore :? (we even theorised there was no oil in there to start with) :? . Tried again... We pulled the top nut, to take any pressure off the spring... nothing... :? WTF...! Those little buggers MUST push up! :? Try again, this time with EXTREME UPWARD PREJUDICE!! Yep, there it goes..., and out flows the grungy 'oil'. So far, so good... :D

Now it's just a matter of replacing the nuts and washers, nip them and up refill the tubes, and Robert's your father's brother... yeah, sure... :lol:

When 'nipping' up the nut Glyn found it just kept turning... :o "that's not right, is it?..." nope, sure ain't... He'd pulled the thread right off the end of that freakin' drain plug! :shock: At this stage we didn't know what it looked like (it being mostly up inside the slider). Off to the www to peruse the parts fiche and diagnose what we had... inconclusive... We managed to get the damper rod out up through the tube and unscrewed the remains of the drain plug. Damn, that bit looks... special (and unobtainable). :cry:

Soft-arsed component :x
DrainPlug(Broken).gif (68.41 KiB) Viewed 1472 times
Heavy-handed mechanic :lol:
HeavyHandedGlyn.gif (84.55 KiB) Viewed 1472 times
Rang local BM shop: "none in Australia". :x Local wreakers: no answer. :x Interstate shops: "don't stock 'em", "we reopen Jan 10". :x (Another likely shop across town we already know is closed for xmas.) etc... :cry: hmmm... :idea: perhaps i can fabricate one? Check the threads: non-standard threads, no taps that size, single-point cutting the threads would test my rudimentary machining skills (but maybe a legit option). :? :idea: Perhaps we could braze it back together 'till a part can be sourced probably from O/S, but would it be strong enough? (may try this option first)... :?

So, there you have it... stopped in our tracks... Poor 'ol Glyn had the bike booked in for a roadworthy check on Monday... :cry: no rush now! He'll be VERY lucky if he can get one of those drain plugs here sooner than a week from now. Have found it's stocked by M'bins, and Hucky's. Glyn's gonna call M'bins tonight to see if they can expedite ship... Meanwhile, anyone know were we might source one of these little buggers this side of the UK or USA ?

(So Glyn rides off to work on my trusty RS, leaving the S spread across my shop.)

Let the waiting begin... ! ;)

S'pose now there's plenty of time for other mechafun, like cleaning, fitting the rear grab rail, bleeding the rear brakes, etc, etc...
FrontEndWork.gif (97.6 KiB) Viewed 1472 times
stay tuned.

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Re: New R100S in the neighbourhood: A saga begins!

Post by SteveD »

Bugger. :(

Did you try Munich in Perth or the BM Workshop in Brissie? What about Ross the fireman?
Cheers, Steve
Victoria, S.E.Oz.

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Re: New R100S in the neighbourhood: A saga begins!

Post by DucatiPete »

Munich: N/A; BM shop: opens 11/1/12; Fireman: not answering.

Glyn ordered the bits from m'bins - with 35 quid expedited shipping! - should get 'em next week.
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Re: New R100S in the neighbourhood: A saga begins!

Post by Mal S7 »

Hi Pete, if you get stuck I might be able to help. Have a spare set of fork lowers in the shed ... and I think(?) probably have the bits and pieces. Working away from home at the moment but going back for a brief visit this evening. Send me an email if you need something. cheers Mal
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Re: New R100S in the neighbourhood: A saga begins!

Post by DucatiPete »

Thanks for the generous offer, Mal, but as you can see from the above post he has ordered the new parts.

Saturday: "Working..." best put a stop to that!
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Re: New R100S in the neighbourhood: A saga begins!

Post by SteveD »

So, fixed?
Cheers, Steve
Victoria, S.E.Oz.

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Re: New R100S in the neighbourhood: A saga begins!

Post by DucatiPete »

SteveD wrote:So, fixed?
Err, yes... at least the fork issue is more-or-less resolved.
Glyn&R100S.gif (203.04 KiB) Viewed 1302 times
Got it back on the road (proper) today. Front forks rebuilt: New drain plugs fitted. All new seals & bumpers etc - 250cc 7.5w Castrol fork oil.

Also fitted newly-acquired Ikons, pannier racks & bags, c & s stand springs. Renewed front brake fluid and checked over front braking mechanism.

Then went for a 120k shake down ride - all good! (& only 15min late for work.)
BMs@FarmersArms.gif (191.82 KiB) Viewed 1302 times
BUT: have discovered one exhaust nut binding when trying to loosen it - I've recommended to Glyn that he cut it off to save tearing up his port threads (any more). the nuts look relatively fresh but i suspect they never never had any anti seize applied when assembled.
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Re: New R100S in the neighbourhood: A saga begins!

Post by dougie »

DucatiPete wrote:BUT: have discovered one exhaust nut binding when trying to loosen it - I've recommended to Glyn that he cut it off to save tearing up his port threads (any more). the nuts look relatively fresh but i suspect they never never had any anti seize applied when assembled.
Just went through that with mine. Definitely cut it off an save yourself a lot of grief and expense. Duane's trick with the valve grinding paste works well.
I've spent most of my money on women, motorcycles, and beer.
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Re: New R100S in the neighbourhood: A saga begins!

Post by DucatiPete »

dougie wrote: Just went through that with mine. Definitely cut it off an save yourself a lot of grief and expense. Duane's trick with the valve grinding paste works well.
Thanks for the head's-up I'll check Duane's site...
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