Last summer I sprayed the tank on my /5 with the same stuff, but it dosen't seem as black, but sorta real dark gray. It's very nice stuff to spray, the nozzel shoots in a fan pattern so it feels like a gun.
I did a little checking and Glasurit is still in business and available in the US. I just Googled them and a number of suppliers came up.
Is there a source that has the paint codes for the various BMW models as well as Fleet and consumer models. it sure would make it easier in trying to get paint. When I tried a supplier of Glasurit, AVUS black didn't come up.
One of you asked about experience with ColorRite paints, I have used their rattle cans for a complete repaint, good paint, really expensive about $25.00 a can. I also used their clear coat. job came out really good considering. FYI their AVUS black is code 8086.
1974 R90/6 built 9/73
1987 BMW K75S
1994 BMW R1100RS
1964 T100SR Triumph
1986 Honda XL600R