You guys have lost you friggin minds. Seriously! The Sombitch drovecars for a living!! Maybe.. MAYBE.... If he came up with a cure for cancer but no... Not even then!!
There are no new hereditary titles any more, and the number of hereditary lords who are still able to vote in the house of lords is very much reduced, most peers in the HOL are political appointees. More like the US senate, but with less power and generally less corrupt.
If you are knighted. Eg you can call yourself Sir John Surtees, that all it means, not much really.
Surtees has probably missed his chance.
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The hereditary peers get to elect a group to represent them in the HOL. Currently, there are about 800 seats in the HOL, and 90 of them represent the hereditary peers
And, Ken, remember, we fought that war to free ourselves from that system, not to end it. No one that I can recall suggested that England change what they were doing in England, we just didn't want to be the stepped-on step-child getting abused by that system.
Besides, our political system has a very strong hereditary base as well: just ask the Bush's, the Kennedy's, the Paul's, the Daley's, etc..