I've not noticed that spacer Steve, it would have to be put up before the caliper was re-mounted......looks like it goes between the caliper and the slider.......never seen it.
Yep, that's the spot. I'm presuming the 3,7 means 3.7mm? Seems big. I put a 1.6mm wide washer on them to see how that'd work...can't tell much difference in a ride to & fro work. The caliper appears to seat correctly still, though without removing the caliper again and looking for any offset between the mounting lugs on the slider, it's difficult to tell. I might go do that over the w/e.
I had a washer as a spacer to test this over 30 ks to & fro work. I'll take the spacer out tomorrow as it caused some pulsing at the lever that wasn't there before.
Once that was evident, I used the rear brake mostly, avoiding the front as much as possible.
BMW fiche not always right it seems, but I think we knew that.