Upside-down oil control ring

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Upside-down oil control ring

Post by lrz »

Recently investigated a consistently fouled left cylinder plug to find that I had installed the oil ring backwards.

3k mi ago...

I reversed it ( Duane your website photos confirmed orientation,thank you) but constant rain has limited my riding of late to less than 100 mi. There was less fouling & oil on cylinder walls after the procedure.

But, after searching the web to no avail, is that ring now toast having been run for so long? Or does it need to seat in positioned properly?

Duane Ausherman
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Re: Upside-down oil control ring

Post by Duane Ausherman »

I bet it seats in just fine, but must admit that I have no experience with putting rings in upside down. However, I am pleased to be inexperienced.

I do have experience in many other similar things, just not that one.
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Major Softie
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Re: Upside-down oil control ring

Post by Major Softie »

Don't worry, Duane: just turn those shoes right-side up and you'll be fine.
MS - out
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Re: Upside-down oil control ring

Post by lrz »

OK, so then where the frig is my oil going?!!

No leaks, bores honed, both plugs now a nice tan/grey, valves seem in order, no smoke at start up (even from sidestand), reed valve new in feb or mar-also made sure small drainback hole was clear & reed oriented properly , running like a top but, as I said, using oil to the tune of 1/2+ qt in a few hundred miles.

Open to suggestions, mates.*

*just for the hell of it
Duane Ausherman
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Re: Upside-down oil control ring

Post by Duane Ausherman »

After you have 1000 miles on it, test it for oil burning. This is done at night.
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Re: Upside-down oil control ring

Post by lrz »

Doesn't that much oil use seem excessive, though?

BTW, Duane I've sent you an email; comments appreciated...
Duane Ausherman
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Re: Upside-down oil control ring

Post by Duane Ausherman »

Irz, email? What was it about?
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Re: Upside-down oil control ring

Post by Motorhead »

Ahhhhhhhh If your talking about a 2qt change and you find in say 500 miles it lowers on the stick 1/2 but stays there

is normal

the effect is caused with airspace needs in the motor, all 750 to 1000cc motors do it

one could put a bigger 3 qt pan on it you lose a little ground clearance but you will still lose .5 qt
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Re: Upside-down oil control ring

Post by lrz »

using oil to the tune of 1/2+ qt in a few hundred miles.

Unfortunately no, Motorhead.
Duane Ausherman
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Re: Upside-down oil control ring

Post by Duane Ausherman »

Sorry, not all of these engines lose the first 1/2 qt and then stay there. Some lose almost nothing and stay there. However, it is common for these engines to lose the 1/2 qt and stay there.

I just don't want someone to think that their engines "should" lose the first 1/2 qt and that they have something wrong if the level stays up.
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