Look'in in again

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Look'in in again

Post by grant81rs »

Gidday Fellas,

I still look in from time to time and check out who's around, I keep in touch nowdays with Ben, Ross and Rob and Mr Boxerworks himself on facebook which has been great and still manage to have a chat on the phone with SteveD and Jeff here in Oz who are great blokes but you all know that and don't need me to tell ya that.....

So it's just past 12months since we started to pull my ole Chevy apart and the last week I took it back out for a decent little drive around some back roads, 7 miles in fact woohoo.

I now have a 28 day unregistered vehicle permit from Vicroads for "testing" purposes..... Hmmmm now what could that mean and how far can one travel....
I don't have much more to go on the Chevy, wire in the headlights, parking lights, dash light and wipers and then just the interior........ It has been so much bloody fun, it has taught me alot and not only about cars but about myself to.

Have a look on the link below if you want and hopefully we will catch up again one day soon.


Thanks Grant Fowler
Cheers, Grant
Gippsland - Australia

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Re: Look'in in again

Post by ME 109 »

Gidday mate, spooky stuff!
I was just thinking about you this morning and there you are.

Good to see Monty's nearly ready for the road. (legally ;) )

The mists will clear when you're standing atop Mt.Monty.

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Re: Look'in in again

Post by She'llbe »

Very nice job Grant, all shite and briney!!!
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Re: Look'in in again

Post by Jeff in W.C. »

Good job Grant. I've been checking in every week to see what you've done. I think you've done a bang up job, and I'm looking forward to the final product. I know you don't want to make it all pretty looking and everything, but I hope to see something done to preserve all the work you've done. Anyway, keep up the good work.
Jeff in W.C.
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Re: Look'in in again

Post by grant81rs »

Gidday Fellas,

Many thanks for the replies, all good to read and also nice to know that you have been looking in on my progress with the old banger....

Bloody hell, today I just read and found out about Pete and the hit with the roo the other threads, not good at all and I felt sick as I read through it...."Great well soon mate and take care"

Anyway fellas, please be so very careful out on the roads...... Stay safe.
Cheers, Grant
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Re: Look'in in again

Post by SteveD »

Howdy Grant. Pete's on the mend apparently, but might be a while still.

You forgot to mention your place sits atop the epicentre for one of the biggest ever earthquakes felt in Oz just the other day. If I may take the liberty...
Yep, I haven't seen the chandelier sway like that in the bedroom for a week or two :)
All good here but shit did it shake the house.
:lol: :D

Here's a shot of the damage to Grants garden furniture...
Cheers, Steve
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Re: Look'in in again

Post by chasbmw »

brilliant Steve
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Re: Look'in in again

Post by Airbear »

Gidday Grant. It's been ages since I looked in on Monty - very bloody impressive.
Well done. I look forward to catching up sometime soon - I'll be heading down south for a ride when the mud dries.

So, er ... seeyer when the mud dries.
and Brunhilde - 1974 R90/6

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Re: Look'in in again

Post by grant81rs »

Gidday fellas,

Stilling looking in from time to time and taking an interest at the world of beemers, the fascination with them still lurks in the back of my mind....

Just a quick note to say that I finished the old Chevy restoration last week and I had it fully road registered, now I am thinking about dropping in a fully worked V8 as it is just to bloody slow @ 47mph........... Jok'in.

Cheers, Grant
Gippsland - Australia

1978 R100RS
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Re: Look'in in again

Post by Deleted User 287 »

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