R100rs driveshaft / final drive melt down

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R100rs driveshaft / final drive melt down

Post by Byron1 »

Hi everyone,

My girlfriend and I are currently on a round the world trip on our trusty 1979 R100rs.

So far we have driven from Alaska to New York without too many problems. However today I gave the bike a service and changed the oils. I noticed that when I changed the oil in the drive shaft there was a lot of mettallic paste on both the drain plug and filler bolts. There was also some bits of metal in the final drive oil too, but not as much.

I have been changing these oils once every 9000 miles max. I changed the gear box oil at the same time and that came out as clean as new oil and no deposits on the drain plug.. So I figure the problem must be just in the drive shaft and final drive.

We are currently staying with my girlfriends aunt and uncle in Stamford Connecticut, but were intending to ride West from here over to California via route 66. That said we could make a detour if someone elsewhere can help.

Unfortunately I only have very limited tools and have never done any work on the those parts of the bike before so am a little nervous about just getting stuck in. We have very limited funds and they need to last us all the way to South America, so going to a dealer is out of the question if at all possible!

Is there anybody out there who has experience in doing this sort of work that wouldn't mind helping me to identify and fix the problem? The bike is still riding so I could possibly get over to where you might be.. Provided it doesn't go before then!

In return I would be very happy to help with any chores you have around the house or garden etc.

I know it is a long shot and a big ask. We would both be eternally grateful if anyone could help, and could repay the favour by accommodating you if ever you came over to England once we are back.

If you would like to know more about the trip, please see blog details below:

http://www.travelblog.org/Bloggers/Adve ... lying-aga/

Hope to hear from you soon,

ME 109
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Re: R100rs driveshaft / final drive melt down

Post by ME 109 »

Gidday Byron, welcome to the nut house.

Don't have definite answers for you but we should be able to help.

Not sure how metal frags can get from the fd to the drive shaft, or vice versa.
I'm aware that oil can migrate between the two, past an oil seal, but I wonder if the frags are from both fd and shaft?
Otherwise might it be that a seal has been destroyed by frags?

Someone will hopefully have more knowledge.
You could also try ADVrider 'olds cool' forums. plenty of chaps there.

Good luck!
Lord of the Bings
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Re: R100rs driveshaft / final drive melt down

Post by dwerbil »

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Deleted User 62

Re: R100rs driveshaft / final drive melt down

Post by Deleted User 62 »

There's Brunos somewhere up in your vicinity. He rebuilds them both and may have a good used one in stock: http://www.brunos.us/ Have you checked if the driveshaft bolts are tight?
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Re: R100rs driveshaft / final drive melt down

Post by Byron1 »

Hi everyone.

Thanks so much for all of the help and assistance offered. Very greatly appreciated.

I've found somewhere I can stop and have a more detailed look so will do that and fix whatever I find.

If any of you guys are ever in the UK, be sure to look me up or email on byron_vincent@hotmail.com


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Re: R100rs driveshaft / final drive melt down

Post by dwerbil »

That's great to hear, Byron. Best of luck with your trip.
And, when you can, keep us updated with how things turn out.

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