It's been too long since I worked on my Oilhead

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Re: It's been too long since I worked on my Oilhead

Post by robert »

bbelk wrote:
Steve in Golden wrote:, it is "the Motorcycle of the Apocalypse".
nope - the EMP blast will take out all the computers and old VWs and Airheads will be the only things left on the road.
Yamaha TT and XT 500s will be there after all the VW and airhead batteries have died.
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Post by Chuey »

robert wrote:
bbelk wrote:Yamaha TT and XT 500s will be there after all the VW and airhead batteries have died.
And we all know what will be here when the gas runs out. Bicycles..........the bikes of the Apocalypse!

Somehow, that doesn't sound so great to me.

Major Softie
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Re: It's been too long since I worked on my Oilhead

Post by Major Softie »

Naw, I heard that the radiation will turn all the surviving cockroaches (which is, of course, pretty much all the cockroaches) into bicycle eating insects.

Better than bicyclist eating insects, I suppose.
MS - out
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Re: Re:Oneupsmanshit:

Post by enigmaT120 »

Chuey wrote:And we all know what will be here when the gas runs out. Bicycles..........the bikes of the Apocalypse!
Somehow, that doesn't sound so great to me.
It sounds great to me. Specifically, drop-bar 29ers, which seem to roll over about anything. I better stock up on tires and tubes, though.
Ed Miller
'81 R65
'70 Bonneville
Falls City, OR

"Gasoline makes people stupid." -- Chuey
"I'll believe corporations are people when the State of Texas executes one." Bumper sticker
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